5. True Instincts

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I got sick. I couldn't really remember much of the next two or three days because of it. I had a high fever, I was constantly coughing up my lungs, and I was drowning in snot. Everything hurt. My head, my throat, my body, but the worst was the wound on my stomach. I was glad I didn't remember much.

Because I was fighting for my life during those missing days. I didn't need to remember that.

I remember coming to... I felt a little better, but weak as hell. My body was still burning in pain. It was hard to keep my eyes open. I was cold and smoldering hot at the same time. Sweating and shivering. The pain got worse if I tried to move.

The lights were dim in the basement, and behind my raspy breathing, I couldn't hear any sounds. But the omega was there... I wasn't sure how I knew that. I couldn't smell anything, and yet, I knew he was somewhere close. He'd been there the entire time.

After moving my head a little, I found him. He was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall next to the door. He was... Not fast asleep, but getting there. As I watched, his head fell, waking him up. He looked around, his face pale and dark circles surrounding his eyes. He was disoriented when he stopped to stare at me.

A second later, he shook himself and got up, stumbling a little.

"You're awake..." he said, his voice hoarse, and came to sit next to me. "How are you feeling?"

Like shit... He didn't wait for my reply, and touched my forehead. His fingers were almost cold against my skin. His touch was... soothing.

"I think it's calming down now," he muttered, grabbing his thermometer. "You've slept for... Three and a half hours now..."

He pointed his thermometer at my forehead, waited for a few seconds, then brought it closer to see the screen. "One hundred... It's coming down now..."

"I feel like shit..." I groaned, but started coughing.

"No, no, no, no, no... Let's not do that again... Slow breaths," he muttered, hushing at me calmly. "Carefully now... Good boy... Good boy..."

I managed to force my lungs to calm down while I listened to his soothing mutters. I closed my eyes to focus on breathing and soon felt his cool fingers caressing my head.

"You'll be fine soon... The fever is already coming down... I got your medicine right here... You'll be fine... Just try to rest now..."

He sounded exhausted... Had he not slept at all...? I couldn't remember him leaving my side even once.

"Good boy... You're all right now... The worst is behind us now..."

I guess I fell asleep again. The next time I woke up, I felt a little bit better again. This time, the room was completely dark, and I knew the omega wasn't there anymore. Probably went to sleep. He'd looked so goddamn exhausted...

The fuck I cared? I didn't care.

I wondered if I was back on pain medication because my body wasn't aching so bad anymore. The wound didn't feel like my entire stomach was on fire anymore. Breathing seemed easier, too, but there was still a shit ton of snot coming out of my every hole.

I was strong enough to grab some tissues and clear my airways a bit. The omega had left a bottle of water and a couple of bananas next to my bed, so I ate as well. And fuck, I was actually feeling better after that. I peered at the clean bandages covering my stomach but left them be. There was no blood, and I wanted to keep it that way, no matter how badly I wanted to see the wound to make sure it was fine.

After that I just rested. Or tried to...

My alpha... I could feel it lurking close by. It still wasn't fully awake, and I fucking hoped it would disappear again. It was just as big of a traitor to me as Glen was. Hell, it was even worse since it did nothing to stop us from getting shot. And the fucking reason it was waking up was that fucking omega? That st–

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