3. Awoken

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The next time I woke up, my mind worked a little better. I was still feeling tired as hell, and my thoughts were slow, but at least I wasn't feeling loopy anymore. And if I stayed still, my pain was quite tolerable.

And I was still in that fucking basement. Still tied up and locked away.

This time, I was alone, and there was only one little light on. It was a small desk lamp, sitting on top of a small set of drawers that wasn't there before. Nothing else had changed in the room, no... wait... There was a camera on the wall, overlooking the entire room. Great...

"Could you at least feed me?" I asked in annoyance, though I wasn't sure if the camera was picking up sounds since it looked cheap as fuck.

"So you finally woke up?"

"Wow, it speaks," I muttered. "So. Food? I'm fucking starving."

"I can bring you food, yes, but the quality will be based on your attitude," the omega replied.

I sneered at the camera, but held back my growl. "I get a little grumpy when I get shot in the stomach and kept as a prisoner in a cold fucking basement for days with no fucking food or water, all right?"

"I have fed you. You were just too drugged to remember," he said in annoyance.

I frowned at his words. His words triggered something in my memories, and I suddenly saw a flashback of him hovering over me, my head resting on his lap, and he held a bottle of water for me... I'd stared up at him, his delicate features, and hazel eyes...

I shook the image out of my head.

"Well I'm hungry again," I growled at him.

"Attitude..." he said in a warning tone.

I gritted my teeth together, swearing I'd rip this guy's throat out once I escaped. "Could I have something to eat? Please."

"Of course," he said, his tone smug.

For a second, I considered trying to escape. He would have to open the door to bring me food, so if I hid behind it... But the chains didn't look long enough... And there was another problem... I tried to lift my hand, but I was still so incredibly weak I couldn't hold it up for long with the heavy shackles weighing it down.

I let out a sigh and rested back down to stare at the ceiling. I was actually really fucking hungry and thirsty, but the bitch kept me waiting. I refused to ask what was taking him so long. I would never give him that satisfaction of making me beg. But fuck, I was almost feeling sick from hunger...

Finally, I heard noises behind the door. I kind of expected him to bring me one piece of charred toast, so I was surprised to see him carrying a tray. I couldn't see what was on it, but again, I forced myself to stay still and act calm.

"Should I leave this here or will you stay down if I bring this to you?" he asked, his voice cold.

"I'll stay right here," I said, keeping my tone neutral.

There was no way I could walk to the door and back without falling... I hated to admit it, but right now, I was better off acting nice. But maybe acting nice wasn't a bad thing. That would lull him into a false sense of security. He'd be stupid enough to get too comfortable and start making mistakes that would help me escape.

Yes... Now I had a plan.

The omega approached me carefully, his eyes sharp as he watched me closely. I stayed perfectly still, keeping myself relaxed. My stomach growled at the scent of food, and my mouth watered. If only it was something better than one slice of bread...

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