22. Meant to Be

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Late that night, Kieran and I were still awake and watching TV in our new basement bedroom while Ares was already sleeping in his crib just outside. Kieran was using my shoulder as his pillow, and his fingers were slowly playing on my bare chest while I caressed his shoulder and side. It was so nice and peaceful.

And I had to admit, I loved this basement apartment. We hadn't even considered sleeping upstairs in the actual bedroom ever since I got out of the hospital. It was so much easier to relax down here. We always closed and locked the heavy door whenever we went to bed, and we always had a little something in the fridge, so we didn't have to leave the basement before morning. The fully functional bathroom just outside our bedroom was incredibly convenient as well.

There could be a full-blown riot right in our living room and we wouldn't know, nor would we need to care about it because the army would be automatically notified about it.

Because of this relaxing safety we had, I was so focused on our movie and this soft omega in my arms that I failed to realize my alpha had woken up at some point. The first time I noticed it was when Ares mumbled something in his sleep, and my alpha shifted, then froze to listen to him carefully.

I still didn't pay much attention to it... Not until it started paying attention to me.

I couldn't really tell what it was thinking about, but at least its feelings weren't hostile. It wasn't feeling anything, really. But it still watched me. I hesitated, but eventually gave my attention to it. It didn't react to me, but it didn't turn away from me, either.

I said a careful hi to it, but it only shifted a little. That was good, right? It wasn't telling me to leave it alone or anything, so...? But it still just kept watching me, so after a moment, I tried to ask what's up.

But then, it started retreating like it had grown tired of me. I begged it to stay, but it had had enough, I guess...

That hurt... Knowing it might never forgive me hurt so much... All I could do was keep proving myself to it. Again, I hoped it could feel how much I regretted everything, and how much I hated myself. I wished it knew just how badly I wished I would've listened to it from the beginning. Our lives would've been so different... I wouldn't have destroyed so many lives for others...

Stop... my alpha suddenly said sternly, but there was no hate in it.

I backed away, feeling miserable. It was right... I had to give it time and space. I'd treated it so badly in the past...

I expected my alpha to retreat into the darkness, but I was surprised to see it had stopped to watch me again.

And then... It let out a sound that was almost a sigh... and it returned to me.

Things... it said slowly, a little hesitantly. Good now...

I breathed in so sharply even Kieran noticed it.

"Trouble?" he murmured.

I didn't reply to him. I was still too focused on my alpha. And shocked. And scared... I was afraid I'd understood it wrong.

Because I so desperately wanted it to be my friend again...

My alpha stopped in front of me and looked at me carefully. I think this was the first time ever we'd been face to face like this. I gave it as much time as it wanted as it watched me, studying me and my thoughts.

Friends... it then said, nudging me carefully. You... Good... Now...

I was suddenly in tears. This... Did it really want us to be friends again? That... Did that mean... That my alpha didn't hate me anymore?

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