15. Murderous Mood

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It was a weird day. After I'd spilled every little Jomica's secret I had, the captain thanked me, told me to stay with Kieran, then left with his men, promising to get back to us as soon as possible. When they left, silence fell in the house. Even Ares was quietly peering up at us in his playpen.

"So... What now?" I eventually asked.

I wasn't sure if Kieran heard what I said, even though he was watching me. He seemed...

I retreated a little under his eyes when I realized he didn't see me the same way as before. Of course he did after everything I just revealed to him and his old army buddies.

I looked away, gritting my teeth together. "I'm sorry... I wish I could take it all back..."

"All your friends are dead?" he asked softly.

I turned back to him. "Except for Glen, yeah..."

"The guy who left you to die," Kieran said, slowly making his way to me.

"He freaked out," I muttered. "It was a shitty fucking night, so I get it."

Kieran gave me a sad smile, then leaned in to hug me. "I'm sorry. You said your group got... But I didn't realize they were your friends."

"Yeah..." I breathed out, not knowing what to say.

It still wasn't really sinking in... Their deaths...

"We were..." I mumbled when the painful truth hit me. "We were all brainwashed... They didn't..."

My friends were just like me. They didn't know any better. And they all died as terrorists.

"You and Glen still have a chance," Kieran told me soothingly. "And you will avenge your fallen friends. They will get justice. Not only that..."

Kieran sat down next to me, his arm resting on my back. He smiled at me.

"Because of you, many others will be saved from your fate. They will never get recruited. They'll never become terrorists."

"Right..." I mumbled.

"You're saving so many future lives too," Kieran continued, leaning against my side. "You are already a hero. I'm sure your friends will rest in peace knowing you made things right."

"I hope so..." I whispered.

He hugged me again, holding me gently. My earlier anxiety was almost completely gone.

"So... What now?" I asked again.

"We'll wait. My captain will come up with a plan and men and resources, and once they're ready to strike, we..."

"We... what?" I asked. "Don't forget, I have to be the one to go to the Jomica, or they will start killing the omegas."

"Don't worry, my captain knows that. He will come back to us once they have a plan," he said reassuringly. "Now we just wait."

I fucking hated waiting. This time more than ever before. We heard nothing from the army in hours, and I couldn't stop fearing they'd decided to make their move without me. And I was getting worried about Glen as well. We had no way of contacting each other, so I couldn't let him know why I wasn't coming back home. I feared he'd do something stupid in my absence...

But then, finally, six whole hours later, the captain returned.

"Grab your stuff. You're coming with us," he told me.

"That sounded like you're not taking me with you," Kieran said sharply.

"That is correct," his captain said sternly.

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