6. Annoying Omega

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I couldn't wait to get better and leave this fucking place. I needed to get the fuck away from here, and that fucking omega. Hell, I wasn't even planning on taking him as my captive anymore. That would mean I'd have to keep seeing his face.

And I didn't fucking want to.

I growled as I realized that once again, I was thinking about him. Kieran fucking Page, thirty-something, a single father by the looks of it, an ex-SOU officer, a fucking medic, team Zero-Fucking-Five. Fuck! Why couldn't I get him out of my head?

Also, why was his scent so fucking strong in the basement? I wanted to go take the nastiest fucking shit just to get rid of his scent. It was too sweet. Too nauseating. But I didn't have to go... I'd not gotten enough to eat in the past few days because of how sick I'd been. And how the fuck was I able to even smell him with all that fucking snot, huh?

My alpha was amused at me. It knew I was constantly thinking about the omega. Fucking bitches, both of them... I wanted to get rid of both of them as soon as possible. My alpha knew that, so it was deliberately hanging around, not returning into the darkness where it fucking belonged to. Even now, it was taunting me.

But it suddenly lost interest in me and turned its attention to the door. I rolled my eyes. It had to mean the omega was coming closer. My alpha had already learned to keep an ear out to the sound of the door opening at the top of the stairs. I couldn't hear shit, but soon, the floorboards behind the door let out a quiet creak, and the door opened.

I ignored the omega when he stepped in. For about three seconds before I smelled the food he was bringing. My stomach let out a loud rumble, and the omega chuckled.

"Figured you might be hungry," he said, and brought the tray to my bed.

I forgot to answer him when I stared at the casserole on the tray. It smelled... I hated to admit it, but it smelled so fucking good...

"How are you feeling?" he asked. "Can you sit up on your own?"

"Fuck off," I told him, and forced my tired body up. It was hard, and it hurt, but I wasn't going to ask for his help just to sit up, for fuck's sake.

"So we're still being rude to the person who's trying to keep you alive," he said, sounding fed up with me.

I glared at him when he went to sit down by the door. My alpha would've wanted him to stay next to us so it could study his scent. Both of them angered me, so I turned my attention back to my plate and ignored them.

The steam coming from the food gave me a bit of a cough, but I was glad to see I was getting over the fucking flu. My wound had gotten worse because of it, therefore I'd be stuck here with this omega for longer.

But soon I'd get the fuck out of here...

"What's your name?" the omega asked, studying me closely.

"None of your fucking business," I said while I grabbed the plate and the fork he'd given me.

"How old are you?"

"None of your goddamn business."

"Where are you from?"

I turned to him. "I'm sure you can guess the answer to that."

"Yes... None of my... hmm..." he turned to watch the ceiling as he tried to come up with a swear word to use.

"Bloody?" I suggested.

"Thank you. None of my bloody business," he said, trying not to smirk. "Would you prefer me to call you the kid, the terrorist, or the jomica, then?"

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