9. Impossible to Ignore

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I was beyond annoyed. There was no peace and quiet in Kieran's house while it was being fixed. The constant noise kept me awake, and if I somehow miraculously was able to fall asleep, someone decided to pick up a drill or a fucking hammer.

I was so goddamn tired...! I just wanted to sleep...

One night, Kieran came to bring me food and to change my bandages as usual, but he also brought a small bag with him. I frowned, but said nothing. My alpha, on the other hand, would've loved to say hello to the omega. I had the feeling it would soon steal control from me, so it could do exactly that.

"How are you feeling?" Kieran asked me, while putting the tray next to my bed and the bag next to the wall.

"I'd feel better if those fucking idiots didn't make so much fucking noise," I grumbled, grabbing a sandwich from the tray.

"It's over now, don't worry," he said as he sat down at the end of my bed. "You can rest now."

"Good," I grunted and focused on eating.

But then my alpha noticed something concerning. Ares' scent on Kieran was fading. I glanced at him again.

"Where's the kid?" I asked before I had any time to stop myself.

"Not here," Kieran said quietly. "He's somewhere safe."

I nodded slowly and looked away. My alpha did not like it. It didn't understand. The omega wasn't with the child anymore. I tried to tell it the child was with someone else for now, most likely because Kieran was deadly afraid someone would try to come for him again, but my alpha didn't trust me enough to let me reassure it.

"Good," I only said, and ignored my alpha.

I wanted to ignore everything but my food, but again, my damn curiosity won.

"What's with the bag?" I asked.

"There's your clothes," Kieran said quietly, his voice weird.

I glanced at him. "Yeah. And?"

He shrugged and looked down at his hands. "Your wound is healing fast now that your body isn't using all its energy to keep you alive. I'd still take it easy for a while, but you can leave whenever you want."

I stopped chewing and stared at him. He noticed it and gave me a small smile.

"You're free to go," he repeated quietly.

"Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean, why?" he asked.

"What happened with your brilliant plan to give my ass to Mercer as a gift?" I asked and continued eating.

He let out a breath and looked away, pulling his knees up against his chest. "You saved our lives. Letting you go is the least I can do for you."

So that was why he'd not put the handcuffs on me...

"So you're letting a jomica go free?" I asked.

"I try not to see it that way," he said.

"You do realize that you're to blame for all the bad things I do from now on if you let me walk free, right?" I asked and took another bite.

"I mean, I can keep you locked up here forever too, if that's what you want," he said with a scoff.

"Fuck no," I said. "I'm so fucking out of here."

"Great. Well, just take it easy for a week or so. If you know someone who can deal with stitches, ask them to take them off once the wound is fully healed. I put some painkillers in the bag along with your clothes and your gun," he said and stood. "And try not to..."

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