12. Preparations

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Somehow, I managed to fall asleep in that disgusting apartment, but I had to keep my window open, and the door closed with a towel under it to block all the smells from coming in. And... thinking about Kieran helped. I tried not to let him in my head, but... It soothed me, and even better, it soothed my alpha. It forgot to be angry at me when we thought of its... our... mate.

The mate we could've had.

Waking up in that fucking dump was even worse than falling asleep in it. The smell was still there, burning in my nose. There was no way I could get used to it enough to ignore it. I gagged as I opened my eyes, but... I forgot the smell when a thought occurred...

I could've woken up next to Kieran that morning... He must've already realized I'd left him...

That weight on my chest returned, and I closed my eyes, trying to find whatever there was left in me, strength or whatever, to push that omega out of my head. There was no point in thinking about him, and especially in dreaming about things I could never have. But I couldn't stop...

Did he think I'd only used him right before leaving? That it hadn't meant anything to me? Was it better for him if he did believe so...?

I sighed, tossed the covers aside, and got out of bed. I needed something to do, or I'd drive myself crazy thinking about... that omega.

Glen was still asleep when I left my room, so I got a moment alone. I tried to ignore the filth on the floors on my way to the bathroom, which was another nightmare of its own. I quickly relieved myself, then stopped to stare down at my bandaged stomach. I wanted to take them off and see how well I was healing, but I feared the wound would get madly infected if it got exposed to the air of this fucking shitty place. I could've tried to do something about the apartment, but... What was the point?

For I had a plan, and whatever the outcome would be, returning to this fucking dump was not going to happen.

I wasn't surprised to find out there was no food. Nothing edible, at least. The stuff I found was covered in mold. As I went through the cupboards, I couldn't stop thinking about Kieran's cooking. I could almost sell it... My stomach growled at the thought.

At least there was plenty to drink, so I grabbed a bottle of beer and went to sit down in the living room to stare out the window. And think. I did have a plan, but it was far from a solid one. I knew the place where they kept the slaves, the omegas, and I knew my way around it, but was it enough?

Glen had a perfect timing when he stepped out of his bedroom only seconds later, looking like crap, but more sober now. He stopped to stare at me, his eyes red and without blinking.

"It wasn't a dream..." he whispered, hurrying closer to ogle at me. "You came home."

"I'm indeed alive, yes," I said. "Do you remember what we talked about last night?"

"Bits and pieces, yes," he said as he slowly sat on an armchair close by.

"I want to free the omega slaves. You are with me, right?" I asked him, watching him closely.

"I thought you were just kidding..." he mumbled.

"I'm not," I said angrily, leaning closer to him. "I want to make them pay for what they let happen to us. I want them pay for letting our friends get killed. So, are you with me or not?"

Glen turned to look away from me, and at first, I thought he was going to say no. But then I understood he was watching our home, the emptiness our friends had left behind.

"I'm with you," Glen said quietly in a dark voice. "Freeing the slaves is the biggest middle finger we can give them."

"Exactly," I said. "But we need a plan."

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