18. Worth Saving

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It was a bit of a blur... The pain made me sick to my stomach. It was unbelievable, and I'd been shot before, so it shouldn't have been anything new. But this was new... Maybe it was because Kieran had stuffed yards' worth of gauze into the bullet holes... It was... an experience.

I remember... I remember Kieran standing above me with fear and pain in his eyes, and a small red tube attached to his arm... It was his blood. I felt a little better after that, but keeping my eyes open was still getting harder and harder. No matter how often Kieran ordered me not to close my eyes, I couldn't really fight it for long.

And I remember seeing a large black helicopter hovering above us, coming closer and closer... Army bird. It was funny, really. I used to hate them with a burning passion. Those birds were the worst. It was nearly impossible to run and hide from them. But I'd just watched it in awe as it landed almost on top of us.

The last few memories I had were about Kieran. He was speaking to me, but I couldn't hear him. The bird was so loud. There was fear in his eyes as he stared at me. I wanted to tell him I would not give up. I'd fight one more time to stay alive for him. I couldn't abandon him. Not my omega. He wanted me to be his alpha... After everything, he still chose me...

I was not giving up.

I did pass out, though. After that, I only remember a few images of strange people in masks, bright lights, white walls, and that goddamn pain... And then silence. I liked that silence. It was soothing, and I couldn't feel pain. I felt numb in every possible way. I was too numb to even understand I was a real being. If I saw or heard or felt anything, I didn't understand it. It was nice.

But that peaceful deliriousness came to an end.

I heard something, something that finally pierced through my heavy medication, though not well enough for me to react to it at first. It happened again, and again, I just let it be, but when it happened for the third time, I decided to fight back to consciousness to see what was going on.

It was Kieran's name. Yes, someone spoke his name somewhere very close... Kieran... He had such a pretty name... It rolled off my tongue nicely... Wait... If someone was calling to him, that had to mean he was somewhere close by? Yes... I had to keep fighting. For him. I couldn't stay in this numbness. He must've been so worried... He was worried because...?

What was it...?

Wait. I got shot. Again. Fuck! I got shot! I almost died again, for fuck's sake! I had to wake up. I couldn't die. I promised him... Kieran... Such a pretty name... Fuck, I had to focus. I needed to open my eyes!

I saw something above me. After a little bit of struggling, I understood I was staring at a ceiling. And it was dark. I couldn't hear anything anymore. No one was speaking. No one was moving. I couldn't hear a single thing. Only this very annoying beeping sound.

Maybe I'd just dreamed about hearing Kieran's name?

I wanted to look around, but my body refused to move. I tried again, but nothing. At first, I was a little too disoriented to think much of it, but as the time passed and my mind cleared, all I could still do was stare at the ceiling. I started to freak out. I couldn't even blink! Was I...? I couldn't be paralyzed, right? I was moving just fine even after I got shot. But why wasn't my body obeying me at all? I couldn't lift a fucking finger!

I almost panicked right then and there, but then I felt a presence. I could feel the familiar, judgmental attention on me.

That mother fucker... I calmed down when I realized I couldn't move because my alpha had stolen control over our body. I tried to push it out of my way, but it only watched me like I was an annoying bug, refusing to let me get back in charge. I gave up trying. I had no reason to fight it, so I let it be in charge.

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