8. Alpha's Hate

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My alpha woke me up again. I was so goddamn tired, but my alpha kept asking me to stay awake. It was... surprisingly civil with me this time. It didn't show a lot of hate toward me. It wasn't angry or anything. It was simply asking me to wake up. Because of that, I fought my way back to consciousness. I was curious to see why it needed me up.

I wrinkled my nose when I remembered the looters, but I didn't really notice anything wrong. It was quiet in the basement.

But then I heard a little sniff right next to me. I moved my head in that direction. I was too tired to feel anything when I saw Kieran in my bed, curled up with his baby in his arms, his back pressed against the wall. A silent tear was running down his cheek as he stared at the kid. He was still afraid... Not in panic, but scared enough.

How was this a SOU soldier...?

No... Something was wrong in him. And it had something to do with his baby. Without the child, he was dominant and fierce, but every time the kid was threatened, he broke down. But why...? It should've been quite the opposite, right? It was in the omegas' instinct to fight until the very last breath to protect their children, but this one turned into a panicky mess. A SOU soldier at that.

Kieran's eyes suddenly met mine, and he froze. I could tell he'd been crying for a while now. He said nothing. He didn't look away. Didn't even hide his tears.

Broken, my alpha told me. Like I needed it to tell me what I saw.

I didn't fucking care.

Man, my alpha got mad... It got so fucking mad I was sure it would steal the body and never let me back in charge, but for some reason, it didn't. But its anger wasn't calming down, either.

I was so goddamn tired...

My alpha and I had never seen eye to eye. Even when it still was awake, it had refused to see my point. It refused to understand how much better our life would be if True Order was back in power. We'd have peace. The war would end. Things would go back to how they used to be. True Order would make sure we'd have rich lives. No alphas would have to hide in fucking sewers anymore. Neither would omegas. They'd be able to continue with their simple little lives without having to use their simple little heads because us alphas would take care of everything.

Why did they have to ruin the good life we all had, huh...? Omegas destroyed our beautiful country by standing up against the true, natural order of life. They had good things, too, so why the fuck did they want to throw it all away? Now we had no other choice but to fight in this endless war because they wanted jobs too? The fuck was wrong with them?

My alpha finally got mad enough at me to take control of the body and turned its attention to Kieran. It let out soft breaths to calm the omega, and tentatively moved closer to him. Kieran, in return, smiled a little and carefully took in our scent.

"I'm guessing you're not Trouble," he murmured.

My alpha didn't understand the question, but it was happy to see him smiling. It continued soothing the omega, who relaxed little by little, and eventually wiped away his tears with one last sniff.

"It's been a rough night, huh...?" Kieran whispered, his smile fading. "I still can't believe... This was always such a peaceful little neighborhood... But The Boss is gone now... So... I don't know..."

It was clear that thought scared him, but my alpha noticed it and quickly calmed him down by gentle breaths and quiet purrs.

"You're right... Not tonight... Everything will be better in the morning..." Kieran whispered, hugging his baby. "If only I could sleep..."

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