20. Home Sweet Home

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It took a fucking while, but finally, the day when I no longer needed a wheelchair arrived, and I was finally allowed to go home. It was about damn time, too. I'd slowly spiraled into madness in that small, stuffy room without much to do. The only reason I didn't lose my mind was Kieran and Ares, who had done their best to help me fight the boredom.

I wasn't even allowed to go outside to get fresh air because the place was open for visitors, and they feared Jomica would find out I was there and send an assassin to end my existence. I wanted to question their reasoning, because once I'd return home, the army wouldn't be able to protect me, anyway.

Or so I thought.

It was Kieran's old captain who wanted to drive us home from the army hospital. I'd learned earlier that the army had done some modifications to Kieran's little house to make it safer for us to live in as a thank you for helping them infiltrate the enemy base. We'd tried to ask what those modifications were, but we only got silent grins as a reply. But now we'd finally get to see it for ourselves.

"What did you do...?" Kieran asked his captain when he stopped his Jeep next to Kieran's home.

There was one very obvious modification we could spot right away. The whole yard had been surrounded by very tall, decorative wrought iron fences. As a criminal, I hated it. The hundreds of vertical iron poles were designed to look like spiky swords at the very top, and even the smallest of mistakes when climbing over them would result in getting immediately impaled by many of them. There wasn't much footing around the top, either. A complete deathtrap. I would never consider climbing over it.


When we got out of the Jeep, and Captain Garcia went to get our bags and Ares' stroller, Kieran and I stopped to stare at the fences.

"Is that glass?" Kieran asked.

Sure enough, the fences surrounding the front yard were covered up by glass panes that reached all the way up to the highest horizontal pole.

"Bulletproof glass," Captain Garcia corrected him while giving us the stroller. "You can enjoy your time in the garden without worrying about possible drive-by shooters. We also replaced the windows with it. Double layered. Helps with maintaining the temperature inside the house as well."

"How convenient," Kieran said with a chuckle and went to get his son from the backseat, while I tried to take our bag from his captain.

"You can't be picking up or carrying around heavy things anytime soon, boy," he told me in a scolding manner.

"I'm fine now," I objected, but he only let out an amused snort.

"For your information," he told me quietly. "We didn't remove the chains in case Kieran still needs them with you. And I know they were not there for breeding."

I turned completely red on the spot. The captain laughed at my expression and locked his car before he headed to the gate with our bags. Kieran joined me on the sidewalk with Ares now in his stroller.

"What did he say?" he asked.

"Nothing I can repeat," I muttered back, and followed his captain.

"Now everything around here works with these tags," Captain Garcia told us when we stopped next to him at the gate. He had a keychain in his hand with a round, black tag hanging off it. He pressed it on the keypad attached to the fence, and it let out a silent beep, and the gate opened. "In case you don't have your tag with you, you can use a code instead. You can give that code to your trusted ones, so they don't need a tag of their own."

He pushed the gate open and continued his way to the front door with us in tow.

"We secured this door with anti-burglar steel plates," the captain continued, pointing at the reinforced door frames and the door itself. "You need something heavier than just a crowbar to get in."

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