16. To Make Things Right

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I was ready. I was focused. I was sharp. I was probably going to shit my pants and get myself killed, but there was no backing down. I was finally on my way to save the omegas, to make things right. I couldn't back down. I needed to fix my disgusting mistakes.

"I'm fucking terrified," Glen muttered as he loaded his gun next to me while I drove our van.

"Yeah..." I only said as I stared at the road.

"Are you sure we can count on the army?" Glen asked, his voice growing more and more nervous.

"Don't think about that," I told him. "Weren't you ready to die just a few hours ago?"

"That was before..." he muttered and sighed.

"Before you found out your mate is still alive?" I guessed.

He glanced at me, blushed, and looked away. "...Yeah."

I peered at him shortly, then took a deep breath. I needed to fix this atmosphere, or we'd definitely die from nervousness long before we reached the place where the omegas were held.

"I had no idea you two were..." I said carefully.

He smiled a little, and his posture softened. Good.

"I mean... Neither did I... Not really... I mean... I hoped, but... And I think we were getting there. Before the Mercer gig..."

"So you two haven't... talked about it?"

"No... I should have, right? It's possible we won't see each other again..." he mumbled, his posture dropping now.

"Well you better not get yourself killed. You need to stay alive so you can tell him how you feel," I said. "So let's man up."

"If Thomas survives..." Glen said, his fear rising again.

"He'll be fine," I said. "Better than we will be."

"Why aren't you terrified?" he asked me. "Your mate is handcuffed at the back."

I let out a deep, heavy sigh. "Because I've seen how he moves. Now that's terrifying, really."

But I'd also seen him freeze...

"So... We're in good hands?"

"Yeah. Absolutely," I said. Or lied.

Truth to be told, I did not like this plan at all. I hated every aspect of it, but I especially hated the fact that Kieran had forced us to take him with us. I'd never seen an omega – or anyone – throw such a hissy fit as he did after we told him he couldn't come with us. His captain tried to stop him from coming as well, and the two of them ended up having a small shouting match, and obviously, the stubborn little omega won.

And I hated the fact that he had incredibly good arguments, too. For one, our plan was to pretend we were bringing an omega slave, but any alpha could immediately smell there was no omega in our van. And two, Glen and I needed backup, someone who actually knew how to fight terrorists, or we'd be turned into dog food in minutes.

"To be fair..." I mumbled, gaining Glen's attention. "I'm more terrified of Kieran than jomicas..."

Glen snorted loudly, then laughed. "Boy... So am I."

I chuckled lightly and shook my head, then let out a weary sigh.

We were going to make it, right? Sure, I hated the plan, but... It was a good plan. Us three would infiltrate the facility, go straight to the omegas, and protect them while the army attacked the building from the outside. They'd get in fast and come for our aid. And at the same time, Thomas was helping another group of soldiers to attack the base.

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