19. New Future

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Staying awake was surprisingly hard in the next few days, no matter how hard I tried. My alpha's little stroll around our room had drained a lot of the little energy we'd had left, and apparently, I was not supposed to have woken up yet, anyway. My medication was supposed to keep me asleep for a few more days to let my body recover, but I still kept waking up for a few moments every now and then.

And almost always, Kieran was by my side. If he wasn't, I was heavily tied into my bed.

But days later, it finally started to look like I wasn't going to die from an exploded liver, and I was moved to a new facility in the military base where I could recover in a home-like environment. I loved that because Kieran was allowed to stay with me around the clock.

Well, I had the feeling it wasn't much about being allowed to, and more about him just refusing to leave. Either or, he got a bed right next to mine in our tiny new temporary home, and Ares had his own crib at the end of our beds.

The new room wasn't particularly fancy, but we had our own little kitchenette at our disposal, a small living area with a couch and a TV in one corner, and our beds in the other, and a large bathroom with railings and a wheelchair for showering to make my recovery a little easier.

But all I really needed was Kieran by my side to recover.

He quickly took on the role of being my caretaker and refused to let anyone make any decisions regarding my health without consulting him first. I had the feeling he wasn't doing it because he didn't trust the medical personnel, but because he was still too shaken about me almost getting myself killed again, and taking care of me gave him reassurance. My doctors seemed to understand this, so they let him be involved. I sure had no problem with that. He'd taken care of my fading life once, in his cold little basement with minimal equipment, so I knew he'd easily do it again.

And I grew stronger with each passing moment. On the second morning in the new facility, I no longer had any problems staying awake. Even my head seemed to work much quicker now after spending the past few days in some kind of numbing bubble. It was great, since I had questions.

I already knew both Glen and Thomas had survived the attack, the omegas were safe, and Jomica had taken a huge hit, but that was pretty much everything I knew about the outcome. So, once my doctor had visited me to see how I was doing, and I had my luxurious breakfast of two spoonfuls of yogurt and half a banana, I asked Kieran if he had anything new to tell me.

"Well, the people you saved are slowly recovering," he began and sat down on my bed. "Many of them are still shut down, but are showing signs of coming back out, especially with their family and friends. And... Some of them are pregnant, but I don't know more about that."

I nodded slowly and looked away. That fucking weight returned...

I helped to destroy those people...

"They are now free and recovering because of you. All of them, not just the ones you helped to kidnap," Kieran told me gently, but sternly.

"Right," I muttered.

I tried to feel happy about saving them, and I was happy they were now safe, but it... it wasn't enough. The guilt was still there, eating me up... I didn't feel like I'd done enough to make up for all the bad that I'd done.

"What else?" I asked Kieran. "What happened at the base? How did it go with Thomas' group?"

"They managed to surprise the jomicas pretty good," Kieran said with a smile. "They tried to fight back, but after Thomas led the army into the hidden basement, it was pretty much over for them. There were casualties on their side. A lot of them."

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