21. Lost No More

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No matter how exciting it was to get a chance to prove myself to Michael Mercer and join his mafia, I could hardly even remember that because of how happy I was being back in this tiny little house with my gorgeous mate and his cute little baby. Sure, the day I moved back had been so exhausting with my injuries that I'd spend the next few days almost completely in bed, sleeping my ass off, but every second I was awake, I couldn't stop feeling amazed and so incredibly happy I'd been allowed to return.

Kieran still had chosen me. He chose me as his alpha.

I still couldn't believe it.

Once I was feeling well enough, I was allowed to spend time in a very comfortable, reclining armchair Kieran brought on the porch for me so I could watch over Ares and him while he took care of his garden. The yard was still a mess after the looters had stomped all over the place, and the army had built our secure fences, but the garden was already blooming after a few days in Kieran's tender care. Just like I was.

Ares spent most of his time in his crib next to my chair, where I could easily keep him entertained. The baby had quickly learned how easy it was to manipulate me, so I already was tightly wrapped around his tiny little finger.

We'd spent a long time outside already that day, and I'd once again fallen asleep in my armchair, but both my alpha and I woke up from our nap to the sound of Ares' cute giggles. I tried to get rid of the last of my sleep when I sat up and peered into his crib. Ares sure was awake, and he let out a louder giggle when he saw my face.

"Hmmh..." I breathed out and smiled, then reached over the armrest to pick him up. "I could've used five more minutes, you know."

He had such a wide smile on his face I couldn't be mad at him. I'd been napping the entire day, after all. I grabbed his toy from the crib, then pulled my woolen covers around us both, and turned to look for his papa.

I tilted my head and smiled when I saw a butt behind a larger flowerpot arrangement next to the porch close by, and nothing else.

"Did you lose something?" I asked.

"These damn roots are growing deep under the porch," Kieran spoke in a muffled voice under the deck.

"Do you need a hand?" I asked, still watching that butt.

"You stay right there. You'll hurt yourself under here," he told me sternly.

"Allrighty," I said, spent a few more moments admiring his behind, then turned back to Ares.

The baby watched me with pursed lips and a frown on his face.

"Don't give me that look," I said with a snort. "Your papa is nice to look at. I can't help it."

He still kept staring at me in a disapproving manner.

"Hey, look, it's your elephant," I said, and shook his toy in front of his face. That got him to change the subject, and he was back to giggling.

I kept him entertained while stealing glimpses of Kieran while he was on his mission to cut down the roots under the deck, but – too soon – he was done. When he got up on his feet, he had spider webs, leaves, and plenty of dirt all over himself, his clothes, and in his hair, and yet, that somehow made him look even better. I guess it was the shine in his eyes that did it.

"I finished it," he told me so softly I knew he wasn't talking about the roots under the deck.

"You did?" I asked, and he nodded a little. "I want to see it."

I took a better hold on Ares and stood up, my body still aching all over, but I needed to see it... That little corner in our backyard. I followed Kieran while we made our way around the house in silence. I could already see the spot under the old trees that grew in his property, but now there were new bushes, a small little pond, and so many flowers I couldn't even name them all.

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