2. Survivor

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My body was on fire... Everything hurt so bad I really thought I was being burned alive, but there was only silence. I should've heard the flames... Even breathing was painful, but I wasn't sure if I even wanted to breathe, the smell was so terrible. Where was I...?

I cranked my eyes open a little and found myself in a small bedroom. Not in my own bedroom. I didn't recognize the place, and I couldn't remember how I ended up here... I tried to get up, but the pain grew a hundred times worse, so I lay back down in confusion. But it didn't last for long.

Instinctively, I tried to grab my gun, but it wasn't there. I regretted moving when the pain jolted through me. But now I remembered. I got shot by that fucking omega loving bitch... And then... Wait...

I glanced at my stomach. I wasn't wearing a shirt, so I could see the pile of bandages taped over my injury.

Fuck... The omega!

I looked around again, listening carefully. I heard nothing... Was the house empty? Had that bitch nurse left? Probably. He'd escaped. Dammit! I had to get going. He'd had to alert the army already! I needed to get the fuck out of here!

Again, I tried to get up, and had better luck this time. I was able to move as long as I ignored the burning pain in my stomach. I managed to sit up, but when I tried to stand, my feet gave up under me. The impact with the hard floor nearly knocked me out cold, but I refused to pass out. I had to escape. I'd never let them have me... The army would never get me.

Grunting in agony, I forced myself up. I had to close my eyes for a moment when the world spun around me almost violently. The pain was fucking awful, and the nasty smell in the room made me want to vomit. I took a step to the door, then another, almost getting the hang of walking, but it was only getting harder to move.

Fuck... Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...!

I'd never been this weak in my entire life.

But I got to the door. I collapsed against the post to gasp for air, holding back tears of pain and frustration. Alphas didn't fucking cry... I was better than that...

The front door was right there... I could make it... I'd steal a car...

I'd steal...


Fuck, the world was growing dark again...

"Well that was impressive."

I nearly fell to my knees when I heard the omega speaking somewhere on my right. I forced myself to stay conscious when I faced him, trying to look big, bad, and intimidating. While holding onto the doorpost to stay up on my feet...

The omega walked into my narrow view, holding my gun. He wasn't aiming at me. He wasn't even ready to use it.

Good... I could easily snatch it from him...

I made my surprise attack... And fell face first on the floor at his feet.

"Going somewhere?" he asked.

I didn't look up at him. The pain was so unbearable I couldn't even move. I suddenly felt a pair of cool hands on me, and the omega turned me around. I kept gasping for air, unable to do much else.

"Fuck you... bitch..." I hissed.

He clicked his tongue in disapproval. "This bitch is keeping you alive. I'd adjust your attitude accordingly."

"Fuck... You..." I repeated, giving him my angriest glare.

"Terrorists... No manners at all..." he said, sighing. "Since you're up, I think it's time for you to move into your new room."

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