7. Strength of a Jomica

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I was having a surprisingly good sleep. The pain had subsided, my flu was pretty much gone, I was warm under my covers, and my stomach was full. I wasn't even that angry anymore for some reason. I guess I was too tired to be angry. Because I was tired. I was so tired I'd thought nothing could wake me up that night.

It was such a fucking good sleep... But my fucking alpha woke me up.

I opened my eyes with a groan, cursing my second spirit for forcing me awake. Since I couldn't hear or see or even smell anything unusual in the basement, I thought my alpha was just torturing me for fun.

"Fucking bitch... Let me sleep..." I muttered, pulling the heavy covers tighter around myself.

I was going to just ignore my second spirit, but... It wasn't paying any attention to me. It didn't care one bit if I was awake or not. I frowned and looked around again while listening carefully. And I realized, my alpha was on high alert. That was what had woken me up.

Suddenly, I was wide awake. I sat up to stare at the ceiling, listening so carefully I could almost hear my own heartbeat.

I heard a sharp thud somewhere upstairs.


He was probably just... Moving stuff or something. I had no idea what time it was, anyway.

Since I couldn't hear anything else, I assumed everything was fine. It was just daytime, and Kieran was doing his chores or something. Entertaining his baby. Whatever...

I lay back down, but... I stayed so alert I could hardly even breathe... And my alpha was even worse. It was getting really worried and agitated.

"Fuck...!" I hissed, and stood up, my heart suddenly racing. "Kieran!"

I stared at the camera, but no matter how long I waited, or how many times I yelled his name, he didn't answer.

"Fuck!" I shouted, my alpha now in full fight mode, and looked around.

The fucking chains... There was no way I could break them! If I could get my hands free, I'd still have to get through the door.

"Fuck! Kieran?! Fucking answer me!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

And finally, my alpha turned its attention to the door. I heard it too. The door upstairs got slammed open, and I heard his rushed, heavy footsteps coming down to our door. It had to be Kieran. My alpha knew it was Kieran. But we heard so much more than just footsteps. Something broke upstairs, maybe a window, right before Kieran barged through the door, Ares in his arms, and my gun in his hand.

"Kieran!" I shouted and tried to get to him, but the chains stopped me. "What the fuck?!"

Kieran was scared out of his mind when he slammed the door shut and locked it again. His breathing had turned into sharp gasps, and I could tell he was on the verge of tears. He only glanced at me when he turned around and hid in the corner, falling to the ground while hugging his baby tightly against his chest. Ares was crying... Kieran shushed at him, trying to soothe the child, but the baby could feel his panic, so it was useless.

At least they didn't look injured...

Our attention was brought back to upstairs when we heard more loud sounds, cheery shouts, and mad laughter.

"What's going on?!" I asked Kieran, but he only shivered and curled up into a smaller ball. "Kieran!!"

He was so scared... How could a fucking SOU elite break down this badly...?

Was it because of the baby...?

I growled loudly and turned my attention to the sounds coming from upstairs. Someone had broken into the house, that much was clear. Who, how many, and why were not important questions right now.

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