17. For his Mate [V]

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Weird enough... I wasn't scared. I knew we had at least ten people up against us, maybe even more, but I couldn't feel fear. At least the kind of fear that would've paralyzed me or made me lose my focus. Maybe it had something to do with Kieran. Or my alpha. It was wide awake and ready to fight. I knew it wasn't there to give me its support. It was with me because our mate was right next to us. I was grateful for its aid, no matter what its reason to help me was.

"Two minutes," Kieran reminded us.

Two minutes... That was the estimation Garcia gave us when we asked how long it would take for them to arrive. Two minutes was an incredibly short time, unless you were waiting for the microwave to finish warming up your food, or when you had to keep a dozen terrorists with an endless amount of guns from putting an endless amount of bullets into your guts.

But if I had to die here, I would do gladly do it, because these mother fuckers who'd ruined so many lives would go down with me.

I guess that was the reason I felt so calm.

We saw movement in the stairwell, and both Kieran and I took our shots. The railing protected the man who'd stepped into our view, and he retreated back up and warned his comrades. That actually suited us well. If we could keep them from climbing down, they wouldn't be able to aim at us.

Left... my alpha alerted me.

I hissed a little and moved to my right to see down the hallway on our left, behind the office. More people were approaching us that way.

"More people down that hallway," I muttered to Kieran, who fired at the stairwell when someone else tried to get down the stairs.

"Keep them there," he only told me.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"Who's shooting at us? Where the fuck is the night shift?!"

"Bedlam?! Answer me!"

We all stayed silent as the people in the stairwell tried to understand what was going on, while the group in the left hallway finally reached us. They saw the dead bodies and blood – and me when I shot at them. I heard a satisfyingly pained shout when the guy I hit was being pulled back behind the wall.

"Bedlam is dead! They're all dead! There's someone in the maintenance hallway!"

"Who the fuck is it?!"

"Show yourself, you fucking coward!"

I shot down that hallway again to make sure they knew not to come any closer.

"We're checking the cameras right now!" someone on the staircase shouted at the guys in the hallway.

Kieran shot at them, while I quickly glanced at Glen over my shoulder. He was already opening the third door, and when it flung open, I heard a quiet whimper coming from inside.

I turned my attention back to the hallway, but kept listening to Glen.

"It's all right, it's all right. We're here to save you," Glen told the victim in a quiet voice. "You just stay there for now, okay? The army is coming to rescue you in a minute, I promise. Just stay there. Good. Just stay there..."

And he hurried out to get to the next door.

"There's three people in the maintenance hall! Two of them have guns! One is freeing the slaves!"

"You sure they're alone?"

"How did they get in, for fuck's sake!"

"It's those fucking kids! I recognized two of them. Trouble and Glen!"

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