My first day

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" Hi! I'm Charli! This is my first day here at the elite high school Dalla High! The school is filled with the most wealthiest students. Including myself. I saw my friend Sora. I've known him since we were in kindergarten."

" Sora!" I shouted at him.

" Charli?! Oh my God it's you! Wait. How did you get here? I don't remember your parents being *ahem* rich." Sora said.

" Well I didn't get the chance to tell you this but my dad is the owner of the music company." I replied to Sora.

" Really?! Wow. That must be amazing!" Sora said.

" It really is. How are you doing? How's Ashley?" I replied.

It's been years since I've seen him so I had to ask.

" Ashley's doing good. Sky Cafe is still successful. "

Sora's mother owns Sky Cafe. The most successful Cafe in whole county. And his father works at a very intelligent technology company. 

" That's great to hear!"

All of a sudden a girl pushed me out of her way and hugged Sora.

" Hey Bestie!" The girl said.

The girl was very pretty. She looks like she's 5"4, she has brunette hair and brown eyes. I think I'm in love.

" Hey Amy." Sora said.

" Are you excited for the homecoming dance?" Amy said.

" Hell yeah I am!" Sora replied. 

" Sora?" I said trying to get his attention.

Amy looked at me like she's trying to kill me. She eyed me up and down and glared at me.

" Who the fuck are you?!" Amy shouted.

" Amy! This is Charli. My best friend. You know, the girl I told you about two weeks ago? She's new." Sora said.

" I know that Sora. But I didn't know she would be...... ugly." Amy replied.

" That's rude!" I shouted at Amy.

Sora gave me a signal telling not to yell at her. But it was too late. Amy got closer to my face. She then grabbed a water bottle and poured it on me.

" Listen orange girl. You may be new here but you have a lot to learn about this school. Especially when it comes to me." Amy said.

" I don't even know you and you're already calling me ugly and bulling me!" I replied.

"You clearly don't get it. Since you're new here let me introduce myself. I'm Amy Smith. Cheer captain and homecoming queen." Amy replied.

" And by looking at you right now, you don't belong in a school like this." She continued.

" Can you just leave me alone!? Sora tell her to leave me alone! " I shouted.

" Amy relax. She's not worth it. Remember she's below you're level." Sora said.

" You mean "our" level Sora. As my childhood bestie we share the same level. But you're right. She's not worth it." Amy replied.

Amy then looked at me glaring.

" Once I tell my boyfriend about our little conversation, you'll learn your place faster than before." Amy said and walked away.

Sora grabbed a paper towel and started to dry me off. He's so sweet.

" Sorry you had to deal with her. She was originally nice like you. But ever since she started getting popular she became a bully. Like me." Sora said.

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