This is my big night

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" This is all your fault Charli! You just had to ruin it for me!" Lily shouted as well.

You might be wondering how I got in this situation. Well..... It all started on a Thursday morning.

Charli's POV

It was  4th period. I was talking to Amy about the dance. It was in tonight. She told me that her and Jaxx got into an argument.

" Yeah but we're still together. That was the first argument we've ever had in our 3 year relationship." Amy replied.

Sora ran up to Amy and gave her a hug.

" Are you excited for tonight?" Sora asked.

" Yes! I can't wait for homecoming this year." Amy replied.

Alex and Layla were running towards us.

" You guys won't believe it!" Alex shouted.

" What is it?" Amy replied.

" Luca broke up with Lily." Layla said catching her breath.

Sora, Amy and I were shocked. I didn't think he would actually break up with her.

" Are you being serious about this?" I asked.

" Absolutely. Layla and I were walking to our  next class when we overheard Luca saying "It's over." Alex replied.

The Principal walks in our direction.

" What are you all doing?! GET TO CLASS!" He shouted.

My 4th period class was Geometry. I had that class with Jaxx, Sora, Amy, Layla, Alex, and....... Lily.

" I will not repeat myself STOP TALKING! I get it the dance is tonight! You come from rich families. NOBODY FUCKING CARES! Now. Turn your books to page 102." The teacher said.

I saw Lily. She was still crying. Good. That's a little something called Karma. Sora tapped my shoulder to get my attention.

" Are you sure Jaxx and Amy are just friends? They're getting really close to each other." Sora asked me.


" Y-Yeah. I heard Jaxx is pretty bad at math so maybe Amy's helping him." I replied.

" Amy is pretty good at math. I guess that makes sense." Sora said.

I never knew Amy wore glasses. She looks so cute with them on.

The bell rang. IT WAS LUNCH TIME!!! Luckily I brought my own lunch with me.

" Hey Amy! What did you get for lunch?" I asked her.

" Oh. My personal chef made me sushi. I'm on a seafood diet." Amy replied.

" But you're already skinny." I said.

" Well. Not exactly. I already need to find my homecoming dress." Amy replied.

Now I feel bad.

" Where is everyone? I thought we would all eat together." I asked again.

" When it comes to school events like this, we don't eat together. We eat our lunches separately in small groups." Amy replied. " You can sit with me if you want."

I sat down next to Amy and started eating my lunch.

" So. I have to tell you something. It's about Sora." I said.

Amy dropped her water bottle and pulled my hair as hard as she could.

" Charli I swear to God if you told Sora about my relationship with Jaxx I'm gonna-"

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