Party time!!! 🥳 pt.2

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Hi! It's Charli. Before we begin, I just wanted to say a lot of drama will be in this part so watch out for that.

Also, I will be revealing something that I've been keeping from you guys.

That's all I wanted to say. Love you! 🧡🧡🧡

" Hey Jaxx. Why do you have an ice pack?" I asked him.

" Your boyfriend punched me in the face." Jaxx replied.

" He called you ugly! I had to punch him." Luca said.

" I didn't call her ugly! Don't put words in my mouth!" Jaxx shouted. " I'm gonna find Amy and tell her about this."

" You won't do it." Luca replied.

" Wanna bet?" Jaxx asked.

" Yes I do." Luca replied.

Jaxx walked upstairs and Luca and I followed him. Jaxx opened the door to his room.

" Amy?" Jaxx said.

" I'm in the bathroom." Amy replied.

" Are you okay in there." Jaxx asked.

" Oh so he acts innocent around his girlfriend but not around his friend." Luca said.

" Shut up." Jaxx replied.

" Yeah. I'll be out in a second." Amy said flushing the toilet then opened the door.

Amy looked confused.

" What's going on?" Amy asked.

" Luca punched me in the face." Jaxx replied.

Amy looked at Luca.

" Why did you do that?" Amy asked Luca.

" Because he called Charli ugly." Luca replied.

" Stop it! I didn't call her ugly!" Jaxx shouted.

" Yes you did you stupid cherry!" Luca replied also shouting.

I don't wanna get involved in any more drama so I'm not saying anything. Amy looked like she was over it.

" Shut up and stop arguing!" Amy shouted. " Just shut up!"

" Wow. I've never seen you this mad before. Is everything okay?" Jaxx asked Amy.

Amy glared at Jaxx and then looked at Luca.

" Get out." Amy said.

" Yeah. Jaxx get out." Luca replied.

" And take Luca with you. Charli you can stay." Amy said.

" Aw come on!" Luca shouted.

" Amy." Jaxx said.

" Jaxx please get out?! I'm not in the mood right now." Amy replied.

" Charli?" Luca asked me.

I walked beside Amy crossing my arms.

" You heard the lady! Get the fuck out!" I shouted.

Jaxx and Luca both left the room.

" What did the test say?" I asked.

" Nothing yet. I don't want Jaxx to leave me." Amy replied crying.

" I'm sure he won't. The test might not be positive." I said trying to cheer her up.

" Well if it is I'm jumping off a cliff." Amy replied.

" Would it make you feel better if I told you...... I might be going through the same thing you're going through?" I asked her.

Love at first sight / Charluca Where stories live. Discover now