Homecoming plans

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No one's POV

The dance was coming up. Which meant people now had the chance to vote for their homecoming king and queen.

Sora walked in his English class and say a seat. But he didn't know that Layla was sitting next to him.

" Oh hey." She said.

Sora turned around and smiled.

" Hi Layla." Sora said.

The English teacher Mr.Gills. Walked in looking at his students. A lot of students say that he's so strict. ( Well I mean it is high school) but a lot of students can tell that him and the Geometry teacher. ( Mrs.Van ) hates children.

" Okay students! My name is Mr.Gills and I'll be your English teacher. I do not accept stupidity and laziness from any of my students. So if I see or hear anyone making fun of my name. You'll get 5 hours of detention. Open your books to page 4."

A few hours later have past. They now had the rest of the class to relax and talk.

" I can't wait for the dance!" Sora said. " Although I do have a question for you."

" What's the question?" Layla replied.

" There's a lot of students saying that You and Jaxx are dating. Is that true?" Sora said.

" No. He's just a friend. Why do you ask?" Layla replied.

Sora blushed.

" Because I have a crush on him." He said.

" Oh My God. That's great! You have to confess your feelings to him! He's not dating anyone so you can do this." Layla said.

The bell rings.

" Who do have next Period?" Layla said.

" I have History." Sora replied.

" Me too! Come on let's go."


" Layla!!! I'm so glad you're in this class!" Lily said giving her a hug. " Where do you sit?"

" Next to Sora." Layla replied.

" Who's Sora?" Lily said.

" He's the guy with the cyan hair and cyan eyes. The boy right behind you." Layla replied pointing him.

Lily glared at him.

" Okay then. At least you're behind me. Amy and Luca are in this class too. They're right next to you and Sora." Lily said.

Layla smiled and took her seat along with Lily.

" Layla! I didn't know you had this class!" Luca said.

Amy turned around and almost screamed.

" Oh my God! All of my friends have History with me! I'm so happy!" Amy shouted.

A few hours have past. Everyone was grabbing their stuff out of their locker and was leaving the school.

" So that's Charli?" Lily said to her boyfriend.

" Yeah. Come on." Luca replied.

Charli was about to leave the school until Luca called her name.

" Oh hey Luca!" Charli said.

" My girlfriend Lily just wanted you to know that she'll take you dress shopping for the homecoming dance." Luca replied holding his girlfriends hand.

" Oh. Okay. That's good to know." Charli said. Her voice sounded sad.

" I'm gonna go outside. I'll see you later Charli." Lily said.

Lily then walked towards outside but rolled her eyes at Charli.

" Hey Lily." Jaxx said.

" Hey. I didn't know you were talking to Sora." Lily replied.

" Yeah." Jaxx said. " Why do you care? You're not my girlfriend."

" Because you're talking to someone guy with no style. His dad works for your dad." Lily replied.

" Yeah. You're right. I'm just talking to him because my dad knows his dad. So I'm forced to talk to Sora. Also he may have no style but at least he's pretty." Jaxx said.

" Yeah. I'll give you that. Is your sister still coming with me to get our homecoming dresses?" Lily replied.

" I don't know. I have to ask. But I'll text you if she says anything." Jaxx said.

" Speaking of your sister she's with your girlfriend Amy." Lily said as Amy and Jaylnn walks towards them.

" Hey Babe." Amy said giving Jaxx a kiss. " I'm so excited to win homecoming queen this year!"

" Maybe he might win homecoming king this year unlike last year because of 2 people that didn't vote for him." Jaylnn said holding in her laugh.

" Shut up Jaylnn!" Jaxx shouted. " You're more annoying than Light."

" Whatever. Come on Jaxx. Our limousine is here." Jaylnn replied dragging him.

Amy giggles. Layla walked up to Amy at the right time.

" Ready to go?" Amy said.

" Yeah. That way we can finish our homework together. Oh wait. I promise Charli that she could go to my house." Layla replied.

" Why exactly?" Amy said crossing her arms.


" Layla! I just wanted to say thank you so much for standing up for me. That meant a lot to me especially since it was my first day." Charli said.

" No problem. It was the least I could do." Layla replied.

" Can we be friends? Like can we can hangout and go to each other's houses." Charli said.

" I do want to know more about you. Okay you can go to my house after school." Layla replied.

End of flashback

" Fine. She better not be annoying." Amy said.

" I'm here! Oh. Hi Amy." Charli said.

" Okay now that we're all here. Let's go to my house."

Charli's POV

Layla's so nice. Sure she can be a total b-word but she not that towards me. Thank goodness. Anyway, We were planning on what to wear for the homecoming dance since it's coming up.

" I love your room so much!" I shouted.

"Thanks. I just repainted it." Layla replied.

Amy sat on Layla's bed.

" I can't wait to see Jaxx at the homecoming dance." She said.

" Why?" Layla replied drinking her water.

" Don't you remember Layla? Jaxx is my boyfriend. We're going to the dance as a couple." Amy replied.

Layla spit out her water. She choked on it. I was kinda shocked as well. Sora has a crush on Jaxx.

" Jaxx is your boyfriend?!" I asked.

" Yeah. We've been dating for 3 years now. Why are you girls so surprised about this?" Amy replied.

" Sora has a crush on him!" Layla shouted.

Amy froze. Amy said her and Sora are besties. Sora's not gonna happy when he finds out.

" Oh my God. We can't tell Sora! He'll freak out once he finds out. Okay?! Charli?!" Amy said.

" I won't tell Sora I promise." I replied.

" I already know Layla's not gonna tell him. I don't want to start any drama." Amy said.

It's a little too late for that.

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