Dress shopping 👸 🧡

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No one's POV:

It was a beautiful day at Dalla High school. Everyone now got the chance to run for homecoming queen and king. Before school started Jaxx, Amy, Layla  Charli, Luca, and Lily were at the front of the school just chilling.

Unfortunately Lily wasn't happy with Luca.

" I cannot believe you! You don't ask a girl to stay at your house! Especially if you have a girlfriend!" Lily shouted.

" What?! Hold on. So when Layla and Amy come to my house it's not a problem but when Charli asks if she can stay at my house its a problem!?" Luca replied also shouting.

" Amy is dating Jaxx and Layla is a good friend and I can trust her. Charli on the other hand you don't even know her that well!" Lily shouted.

Amy saw Sora and gave him a hug just to avoid the drama with Luca and Lily.

" I missed you so much!" Amy said.

" I missed you too!" Sora replied.

" Your crush is here." Amy said.

Sora blushed.

" You have to make him love me. Please?! You're the best at matchmaking." Sora said to her.

Amy looked at Jaxx and looked back at Sora.

" I will. It will take some time." Amy said.  

" Guys. Are you excited for Homecoming?!" She continued.

" Oh yeah. I forgot about that." Layla replied.

" So Layla. Are you running for Homecoming queen?" Jaxx asked.

" Probably not." Layla replied.

" Layla. You didn't run last year. You have to do it this year. It's not a big deal if you're not Homecoming queen." Amy said.

" Oh hey Sora!" Charli said.

" Hey." Sora replied.

" Listen Sora! This is a private conversation so get the fuck away from us!" Lily shouted.

Amy got up to Lily.

" Sora can stay here whenever he wants!  So if you don't want to get slapped leave him alone!" Amy replied defending him.

Amy would always defend Sora. It's been like that since the day they met.

" I just realized we have to go dress shopping after school today. " Charli said.

" Oh yeah. Isn't Alex, Jaylnn, Candi, and Elizabeth coming with us?" Layla asked.

" Yeah." Amy replied.

The bell rang. Since the freshman students had to take a test, the sophomores have to go to their 3rd,1st,6th, and 2nd.

Amy's POV:

My 3rd period was English. The only person I have English with is Elizabeth. She's not that bad of a person.

" Soooo Amy. Since we got free time in class, let's talk about boys." Elizabeth said.

Oh God.

" Sure why not." I said sarcastically.

Elizabeth fixed her mascara while she was talking to me.

" Soooo Amy. You have a new boyfriend?" Elizabeth asked me.

Elizabeth can keep a secret. Unlike Candi.

" Yeah. I am dating this one boy." I replied.

" Who is it?" Elizabeth asked with excitement.

I took a deep breath.

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