It's either me or him/her

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" Who was that?" I asked him.

" Sora." Jaxx replied.

" Oh. Anyway, Lily had the audacity to call me a spoiled brat!" I shouted.

My phone kept buzzing with text messages from Sora.

So I decided to check my phone. He kept telling me to call him. It was a Bestie Emergency!

" Let me see." Jaxx said.

Jaxx looks through my phone. He found numerous text messages from Sora. Unfortunately he found the text message saying, " Did you tell Jaxx about it yet?"

Jaxx took deep breaths. Then he looks at Amy angry.

" So you're cheating on me?!" Jaxx asked me.

" Wait No! Baby I would never cheat on you!" I replied.

" Then why is this loser texting you?!" Jaxx asked me yelling at me.

I snapped. And I don't know why.


Jaxx got closer to me.

" DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!" Jaxx replied also shouting.

" We were having a good relationship until Sora came along. It's like you care about him more than your own boyfriend!" He continued.

" Because you don't know what Sora's been through!" I shouted.

" Here we go with this excuse again Amy. You did this when you and Lily had a fight." Jaxx said.

" My parents got a divorce and her mom died and a car accident!" Jaxx said mocking my voice.

" I don't sound like that you jackass! Every time I do something you don't like you decide to mock me when you know how I feel about people mock me! I shouted.

" Does it look like I care?! Because I don't!" Jaxx replied.

" You should care because I'm your GIRLFRIEND! You don't care about anyone's feelings but your owns!" I shouted.


That really hurt my feelings. So I slapped him in the face and punched him in the chest.

" Fuck you! You're the most manipulative snake I have ever met in my whole entire life!" I shouted.

" Don't ever talk about Sora that way!" I continued.

" Amy. I can talk to him however I want! He's crazy! I don't want crazy people around you." Jaxx replied.

I laughed.

" Sora may be crazy but I'm Crazier!" I shouted.

" That's not something to be proud of Amy! " Jaxx shouted.

" I know. But it's something you should be scared of." I replied.

Jaxx looked at me saying absolutely nothing. The room was completely silent for a few minutes.

" Whatever. I'm not scared of you. And the thing is, Sora lied to me. His dad works for my dad not with my dad." Jaxx said to me.

" Okay so maybe he lied to you but that doesn't mean you have to try to end my friendship with him!" I shouted.

" Yell at my again I dare you! You can't be around two guys. You can only pick one. Me or Sora." Jaxx said.

" Are you kidding me?!" I shouted at him again.

Jaxx snatched the necklace he gave me out of my neck and broke it in half.

" Listen Amy. Who's the oldest in this relationship me or you?" Jaxx asked me.

" You." I replied.

" And didn't your mom tell you to always listen to the older person?" Jaxx asked me again.

" Yes." I replied.

" So you have to listen and do what I say.  Because if you don't, we can just break up I don't care." Jaxx said.

Don't cry Amy. Don't cry.

" So. What are we gonna do? Try to make this work or just break up? It's up to you." Jaxx continued.

I wiped my tears.

" I want to make this work."  I replied.

Jaxx smiled. He walked up to me and kissed me. Then I kissed him back.

" You're crazy." Jaxx said.

" And you're a manipulative snake " I replied.

" Sometimes you act like I'm your puppet and it really gets on my nerves. Like a lot." I continued.

" You make me mad sometimes. But I still love you." Jaxx replied.

" I love you too." I said.

A few minutes have passed. We've both calmed down. We started watching TV in Jaxx's room.

" You know what's shocking?" I asked him.

" What is it?" Jaxx replied.

" We've been dating for 3 years and this is the first argument we've ever had." I said.

" I know." Jaxx replied.

Lily's POV

I was on the phone call with Luca.

Lily: Are you excited for Homecoming? I got a dress that will drive you crazy.

Luca: Mhm.

Lily: Then the party you and Jaxx are hosting. Man I can't wait!

Luca: Mhm.

Lily: Are you even listening to me?!

Luca: Yes Lily. Why do you always have this attitude?

Lily: You know exactly why! Ever since Charli showed up to this school you haven't been paying attention to me!

Luca: You have trust issues Lily!

Lily: No I don't! Charli is a bad influence on you! YOU CLEARLY DON'T KNOW THAT SHE'S TRYING TO BREAK US UP!

Luca: And I'm beginning to question our relationship.

Lily: So you're saying that you might want to break up with me?! Hahahahahaha! 

Lily: Luca. We all know that you would be NOTHING without me!

Luca: That's not true at all!

Lily: Yes it is! Charli is trying to break us up. So if you want that to happen, you wouldn't be able to.

Luca: And here I thought Amy was crazy. 

Lily: I'm nowhere near crazy like her! So don't make lies about me Luca! I don't want to have this conversation anymore. Bye.

I hung up the phone. This is unusual of him. I don't want to lose him.

My phone started ringing again. This time it was the group chat calling me.

Lily: Hello?

Amy: Ugh. She's here.

Lily: Amy. Not now!

Layla: What is going on?

Amy: I got into an argument with Jaxx.

Lily: Yeah same with me and Luca. It's all Charli's fault.

Amy: No it's not you idiot!

Lily: Oh please. Jaxx was right to argue with you.

Layla: What did he say to you Amy?

Amy: He thought I was cheating on him with Sora. That's it.

Lily: Nobody cares you dumb bitch!  By the way Layla I have to tell you something about Charli.

Layla: Now what?

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