It's show time

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Charli's POV

I was sleeping like a baby in my bed. Until my mom woke me up. She always pulls my sheets. It's so rude!

" Charli wake up." My mom said.

" Mom. School doesn't even start yet! Let me go back to sleep. I have 2 hours left before school." I replied.

" But Charli. Your friends are here. They said that you needed their help with something." My mom said.

I immediately jumped out of bed. I was in my orange pajamas and my hair was a mess.

I didn't know they would be here this early in the morning! Ugh. I should've asked what time they would be here.

" So. Can I let them in?" My mom said.

" Yeah go ahead." I replied trying my best to fix up my hair.

My mom opened the door and left. Layla and Amy both came to my room.

" Hey Charli. I see you still have Layla's outfit. Good now let's get you ready." Amy said holding her phone.

I almost spent the entire hour getting ready. Now I had 30 minutes until school opens.

" Okay. I think we're done. Now let's go." Amy said.

" Wait. Go where?!" I replied.

" We're meeting Jaxx and Luca at the coffee shop." Layla said.

" It's not Sky Cafe is it? Because that's where Sora might be." I replied.

Layla looked at Amy. Amy called Luca on her phone.

Luca: Hello?

Amy: Hey Luca. Which Cafe do you want us to meet? Starfish Cafe or Sky Cafe?

Luca: Sky Cafe. That's the only Cafe that's closest to the school.


Luca: Amy? Are you there?

Amy: Yep. I'm here. We'll see you guys there. If Jaxx is with you tell him that I live him.

Luca: Okay. Bye.

The call ended.

" Fuck! We have to go to Sky Cafe! Sora's gonna be there!" Amy said. " He won't be in school for the next few days either. He got the flu."


Good news- Sora won't get his heart broken for the next few days.

Bad news- We have to go to Sky Cafe and Sora will be there.

As long as he doesn't see Amy kiss his crush then everything will be okay.

" Come on Charli." Amy said.

" Oh. I'm coming." I replied.

At Sky Cafe

We finally made it to Sky Cafe. Lily wasn't there. Amy gave Jaxx a hug. Then they kissed.

" You look pretty as usual." Jaxx said to his girlfriend.

" Aww thanks." Amy replied.

Amy saw Sora's mother looking at her by the window. She immediately got off of Jaxx.

" Hey Charli. How about you, me and Layla get our coffees. They're on me let's go." Amy said.

Once we made it inside the Cafe Sora's mother smiled.

" Hello Amy. I'm guessing you ladies would have the usual." Sora's mother said.

" That's right. Also tell Sora that I hope he feels better." Layla replied.

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