Party time!!! 🥳 🎉

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I have literally no idea of what she just said. However Layla looked shocked. I didn't know Amy and Layla speak Spanish.

" Layla what did she just say?" I asked her.

" She said she thinks she is pregnant." Layla replied.

" What?! Amy what the hell?! What made you even think that?!" I asked shouting.

" I don't know. It's just me throwing up constantly, I have stomach problems, and my hormones are starting to get a little bit crazy." Amy replied.

" Okay. Maybe you're not pregnant. You probably have bad food poisoning. And the hormones could be a normal thing. You are a teenager after all." Layla said.

" Does Jaxx know about this?" I asked her.

" No. The only person who knows about this besides you guys was Alex." Amy replied.

Someone kicked the door open. It was Alex.

" Here. I got the test for you." Alex said.

" Thanks Alex." Amy replied. " I'll take the pregnancy test later. Now I gotta put on my dress."

15 seconds later

" You guys look so beautiful. Oh your boyfriends are gonna love this." Alex said.

Here's the dresses girls and I bought if anyone's interested



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