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Sora's POV:

Oh my god! Jaxx gave me his phone number!!!! I'm blushing right now! This is the best day of my life!!! * sigh*

" I can't believe your mom owns Sky Cafe!" Layla shouted.

" I know. I was speechless when I first found out." Amy said.

I was too busy looking at his phone number. I can't wait to tell Charli about this!

" Sora? Is he okay?" Layla said.

" Yeah he's fine. Just speechless that the hottest guy in school gave him his phone number." Amy replied.

" Come on Sora let's go." She continued.

........ He gave me his phone number.

At lunch

" Hey Sora!" Charli said.

I was too busy looking at Jaxx. He gave me his phone number.....

" There he is. Hey Sora." Candi said.

" Hi Candi. " I replied with hearts on my eyes.

" Whoa. Are you okay?" Candi said. " And who is she?"

" I'm Charli. Nice to meet you Candi." Charli said.

" Remember the time I told you about my crush Jaxx?" I said.

" Oh yeah. I remember that. Too bad he'll never notice you." Candi replied.

I glared at Candi. For some reason people say that every time I glare at them it's scary.

" Well for your information Candi! Jaxx gave me his phone number!"

" He actually gave you his phone number! Dude you're so lucky." Candi said.

Candi's POV:

" I know right?! He's so dreamy." Sora replied.

Too bad Jaxx will never date him. Rumor has it that he's dating some girl from the cheer team. It's probably Layla. A lot of people keep saying that they're meant for each other. I kinda see it.

The bell rings and everyone left the cafeteria.

I was at the hallways talking to my friend Elizabeth. Katie's older cousin.

" Did you get invited to Luca's party?" Elizabeth said.

" No. Did you?" I replied.

" Yeah. Jaxx gave it to me on my way here." She said. " It doesn't matter though. Tomorrow's the last day for you to receive an invitation."

" Also did you see that weird orange girl talking to Sora? She's so dumb. She doesn't belong here." Elizabeth continued.

" Oh I agree. She better not be invited to Luca's party. Unlike me." I said.

" Luca's your Ex-boyfriend. Why would he invite you?" Elizabeth replied.

Don't push it you bimbo.

" Relax. I'm getting Levi's attention." I said.

" But he's dating Alex." Elizabeth replied.


" Speaking of the Devil. I just found Luca you're Ex. And he's with the hottest girl at our school?!"

Luca's POV:

" My dad is still against the idea of you spending the night at my house." Layla said closing her locker.

" This is so unfair! How come Jaxx gets to spend the night at your house in your room but I can't?!" I said.

" Jaxx is completely different for reasons that I cannot tell you." Layla replied.

Love at first sight / Charluca Where stories live. Discover now