Party Time!!! 🥳 pt.3

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Hi it's Charli again. I know I said that there will be drama last time but don't worry there is now! And a whole lot of it!

No one's POV

Amy continued throwing up. Jaxx gave her some paper towels and gave her a hug.

" Amy what did you eat?" Jaxx asked Amy.

" The last thing I ate was seafood." Amy replied.

" It's probably that stupid diet." Jaxx said.

" It's not stupid! It's supposed to make me healthier." Amy replied.

" Well obviously it's not working. Why would you go on a diet anyway?" Jaxx asked.

" Because of what happened the last time I stayed at your house. When we had that argument, it made me feel like you don't love me anymore. And sometimes you can be a bit controlling and abusive." Amy replied crying.

Jaxx took a deep breath.

" Blame my dad. He would constantly tell me that if I'm in a relationship with someone younger than me I have to make sure they'll do whatever I say. And if they don't listen to me I have to break up with them." Jaxx said.

" I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry." Jaxx continued. " I promise I'll never hurt you ever again."

Amy gave Jaxx a hug.

" I love you." Amy said.

" I love you too." Jaxx replied kissing her on the cheek.

" You should probably go out and have fun. It is your party after all. I'll be back for you I promise." Amy said.

Sora's POV

I can't find Jaxx or Amy anywhere! I need to talk to either one of them before the party ends.

3 seconds later I saw Jaxx and Amy walking downstairs at the same time. They separated and Jaxx saw me and I walked towards him.

" You look so beautiful." Jaxx said to me.

" Thank you. What were you and Amy doing?" I asked.

" Why do you care? What we did is none of your business." Jaxx replied.

Ugh. Sora what are you doing?! Stop being an idiot and just make a move already!

" Hey Jaxx. It's a little crowded over here. How about we go to one of the upstairs bedrooms just to talk." I said to him.

" Okay. Since you're my friend we'll go to my room." Jaxx replied.

We both walked upstairs. I followed Jaxx but someone grabbed my arm stopping me.

" Elizabeth? What do you want?" I asked.

" Trying to stop you. Don't even try any funny business with Jaxx. He's dating Amy and he loves her to death." Elizabeth replied.

Wait? What?!

" Amy?! Amy Smith?! The daughter of the CEO of a hospital near Huston and one here in Dallas?" I asked.

" Yes. So back the hell off." Elizabeth replied pushing me.

I immediately started to cry. Amy knows that I have a crush on Jaxx! Why would she do this to me?! Did she date Jaxx on purpose?!

Well if she did then I'm gonna make her life miserable! But first, I'm gonna steal the love of my life from his terrible girlfriend.

I went into Jaxx's room. For some reason I immediately locked the door.

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