Hours before the party 🥳

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Layla's POV

I was planning on going out with Levi today. But I can't let my parents know that I'm leaving the house. I'll just seek out of the house through my window. How hard can it be?

25 minutes later

I almost broke my leg. But overall I'm fine. Now all I have to do is walk out of this without getting caught by my-

" Going somewhere Layla?" My mom said.


" Ummm...... The Grocery Store?" I replied.

" Layla I'm a lawyer. If you're gonna lie to me you're gonna have to do a lot better job than that. Now where are you actually going?" My mom said crossing her arms.

" Okay. I'm going out with Levi. My boyfriend." I replied. " But please don't bring any bodyguards to follow me everywhere I go!"

" Fine. I'll tell the bodyguards not to follow you this time. If anything happens call me." My mom replied.


" Thanks mom! I love you!" I shouted.

" I love you too!" My mom replied.

At the park

Once I made it to the park, I saw Levi and gave him a kiss.

" Hey baby." Levi said.

" Hey. You excited for tonight. Tonight's the party." I asked him.

" Hell yeah I am! I can't wait to spend my night with the love of my life." Levi replied.

I laughed.

" So where are we going for our date?" I asked.

" Well for starters, we're going to the mall to pick out some outfits for us, then we're going to the beach. Is that okay with you?" Levi replied.

" That's perfect." I replied back.

The mall

We went to the mall and went to a few stores.

" Oh my God! Layla! Levi!" Amy shouted.

I turned around and gave Amy a hug.

" How do you feel?" I asked her.

" Well..... I threw up this morning. So not good. But I think I know the reason why I've been throwing up." Amy replied.

" We didn't know you guys were gonna be here." Jaxx said.

" Yeah. We're going out on a date." I replied.

" So are we. Hey. How about we shop together! We can surprise ourselves with the clothes we got." Amy said.

" That's not a bad idea. We'll see you ladies soon." Levi said walking away and Jaxx followed him.

Charli's POV

I was at the mall with Luca. I wanted to surprise him with a dress that I'm wearing to the party. Then I heard 2 familiar voices.

" Charli?!" Amy said.

" Oh hey guys! I didn't know you would be here." I replied.

" But anyway now that you guys are here I need your help with something. Which dress should I wear to the party?" I continued.

" I'm glad you asked us Charli. Because Layla and I are planning to wear a dress with our boyfriends favorite color." Amy replied.

" What's Luca's favorite color?" I asked.

" White or Yellow." Layla replied.

Ew I hate the color yellow. It reminds me of pee. I guess I'll have to go with white.

" Oh perfect! I found a white dress that has my size! Do you guys need a dress as well?" I asked them.

" No I have a black dress at home." Layla replied.

" Same with me but Jaxx's favorite color is red." Amy also replied. " I have one that he'll absolutely love."

And I'm pretty sure Luca's gonna love this dress. Speaking of Jaxx there he is now. He gave Amy a hug and kissed her.

" You feel better?" Jaxx asked.

" Yeah. Thanks baby." Amy replied.

" Wait what happened?" I asked.

" Amy threw up this morning and her stomach was hurting." Jaxx replied. " Also why are y'all buying dresses?"

" It's a surprise baby. You, Luca, and Levi are going to love it." Amy replied. " Charli. Are you ready to go?"

" Yeah. I'm ready." I replied.

I finally found Luca and gave him a kiss on his cheek. We then went back to his house and............. let's just say................ things were getting really interesting.

At Luca's house

Luca and I were having a lot of fun! And by that I mean we were kissing. Not what you think we were doing. I never knew how much of a good kisser Luca is.

" I love you Luca." I said to him.

" I love you too." Luca replied.

" You know what's crazy? Jaxx and Amy are doing the same thing we're doing." Luca continued.

" Speaking of Jaxx and Amy, Amy's doing a little surprise for her boyfriend. Layla and I are doing the same thing." I said.

" Oh. A surprise for me? I wonder what it could be." Luca replied.

" It's gonna be something that you'll never expect me to do. Just wait for tonight sweetie." I said looking at him dead in his eyes. " Also, who's house is the party going to be? Yours or Jaxx's?"

" Jaxx's house. My parents won't let me or Levi throw a party here because of Levi's end of the school year party that he threw last year. Bitch." Luca replied.

" And what time does the party start?" I asked him.

" It's starts at......... oh shoot we have to be at Jaxx's house in 15 minutes." Luca replied.

I pulled his shirt stopping him from moving.

" We're not going anywhere until you answer my question." I said to him.

" It's starts in 15 minutes." Luca replied.

" Oh. Okay then let's go."

5 minutes later

" You know we could've just walked to his house instead of taking a limo." I said to Luca.

" I can't afford to get my shoes messed up." Luca replied.

I knocked on the door. I heard Jaxx's voice saying that the door was opened. And he was right. The door was opened.

" Hey guys. You made it just in time." Jaxx replied.

" Oh hey Amy. I didn't expect you to show up first." I said.

" Yeah. I thought I told you that I was staying over at Jaxx's house for a few days." Amy replied. " Also Layla's here as well. She's upstairs waiting for you."

I grabbed my bag that had my dress and went upstairs.


I saw a pair of gloves that matched our dress.

" Amy don't you think the gloves are a bit too much?" Layla asked.

" Nope. We want to surprise our boyfriends. So why not wear a dress with gloves?" Amy replied.

" She has a point there Layla." I said.

" Thank you Charli. Also....... there's something that I should've told you guys when we were at the mall. You might not like it." Amy replied brushing her hair.

" What is it?" Layla asked.

" Yeah. It's probably not that bad." I said.

Amy took a deep breath.

" Creo........Creo que podría estar embarazada." Amy said.

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