Put her in her place

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Amy's POV:

" So do you have any idea who's the nominees for homecoming queen." Charli asked me.

" I don't know. The principal should be announcing the nominations by now." I replied.

Charli looks on the floor. She then fixed her hair and looked at me.

" I want to run for homecoming queen." Charli said to me.

I was happy. Luca said he was going to run for homecoming king. Speaking of Luca there he is now.

But he's with Lily. Disgusting.

" Hey Amy. Ugly Orange peel." Lily said.

" Lily! Why are you so rude!?" Luca shouted.

" Because she's trying to be like me. Sweetie. Orange is not a pretty color." Lily replied.

Charli was mad.

" At least I ain't built like a telebubbie! Stay in your place bitch." Charli replied.

I tried to hold in my laugh but I failed. She ate Lily up!

Luca on the other hand didn't even try to hold in his laugh. Lily didn't even say anything. She looked at me.

" Why are you looking at me? I'm not gonna defend you." I said.

Jaxx gave me a hug from behind.

" You ready for our date?" Jaxx asked.

" Yep. See you tonight." I replied giving him a kiss.

" I still can't believe you guys have been together for 3 years now." Luca said.

" Yeah. We were meant to be." I replied.

I would be Confidently saying that but since my childhood bestie has a crush on Jaxx I feel guilty.

" Oh Luca. Would it be okay if I stayed over at your house for tonight." Charli said getting closer to him.

Charli's POV

" It's just been soooooo lonely when I'm home alone." I continued.

I saw Lily was mad. Good. Plus, Luca hasn't stopped looking at me throughout the day. So I think it's working.

" Yeah. Of course." Luca replied.


" What gives you the right to spend a night with my man!?" Lily shouted.

Lily just shut up already.

" Let's go Luca." I said dragging his hand.

After school

" So Luca. How did Lily like the surprise you gave her." I asked.

" She didn't like it. She said it's too basic. Even though it's the same thing Jaxx got Amy and she liked it! Sometimes I don't know why I'm even dating her." Luca replied.

Hmmmm. Maybe I can convince him to break up with Lily.

" That must be awful Luca. I would never ever ever do that to you." I said.

My hand was on Luca's hand.

" You are really pretty." Luca said to me.

My face was red! Aaah! You called me pretty!!!

" Do you have a crush on me?" Luca continues.

Oh shoot. You know what Charli, you made it this far. Just don't screw it up!

" Yes. And I know you like me." I replied.

" What?!" Luca replied.

" I'll give you a task. Since Lily is a terrible girlfriend. Break up with her so we can get together. Deal?" I said.

Love at first sight / Charluca Where stories live. Discover now