Step 1-Ruin Luca's relationship with Lily

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I was still at Layla's house btw. I saw a photo of Luca. I couldn't stop blushing  he's so cute. Unfortunately Amy saw me blushing.

" Do you have a crush on Luca?" Amy said.

I sighed. I guess all secrets are coming out today.

" Yeah. I do. But he's dating Lily." I replied.

Layla and Amy looked at each other and smiled at me.

" Do you wanna break them up?" Amy asked me.

I shouted out a loud yes by accident.

" You know what this means. ✨️ Makeover✨️" Amy shouted.

" No please. Don't change my personality!" I begged.

" Charli that's not what we're gonna do." Layla replied.

Oh thank goodness. I swear they do that in every high school movie.

" Yeah. If you want Luca and Lily to break up. You need to make Luca your dog. How do you think I got Jaxx to date me?" Amy said.

Bish you didn't know that Sora had a crush on your boyfriend! Maybe she does know and is trying to make Sora suffer. He's my bestie too! 😡

" Where do I start?" I replied.

" Okay first off, Do you have any classes with Luca?" Layla asked.

" I don't know. What's his schedule?" I replied.

Amy pulled out her phone. She showed me Luca's schedule.

Luca's schedule

Period 1 : Spanish

Period 2: Chemistry

Period 3: PE

Period 4: English/ Lunch

Period 5: Geometry

Period 6: History

Period 7: Culinary arts

" We have Chemistry together. That's it." I said.

" I have Chemistry with him too. So I get to monitor you. Now let'sget to work." Amy replied.

1. Walk Confidently

Amy taught me all the ways to walk with confidence. Keep your head up high, and walk like a business lady.

" Don't tell Levi but. Luca goes crazy for a girl who has confidence." Amy said. " Now let's see that walk."

I tried my best to look confident. Layla told me to keep my back straight. So I did.

" Not bad. Now time for your second part of your training." Layla said.

2. Act flirty or manipulative

I've been taking notes.

" Okay. Luca walks up to you just to talk. How are you going to respond?" Layla asked me.

" Act Flirty?" I asked not knowing 100% sure.

" Yes. But don't make it the flirting too obvious." Amy replied.

3. Facial expression

" You see Lily talking to you. What do you do?" Amy asked.

I turned my head towards the window imaging it as Lily. I waved my hair and gave a glare.

" Yep. Now that you got the 3 ways to break them up. There's 1 important rule you must follow at all cost." Layla said.

" What is it?" I replied.

Love at first sight / Charluca Where stories live. Discover now