Run for homecoming queen 👸 ✨️

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Lily's POV

I'm so pissed off! Elizabeth was there to comfort me.

" You didn't have to do that." Elizabeth said.

" I had to! Everything was perfect! Luca loved me, the group was happy. Until 2 little pest called Charli and Sora showed up and ruined everything!" I shouted.

" What does Sora have to do about what just happened upstairs?" Elizabeth asked.

" Amy and I were really good friends. We would always go out together. Now she hardly has any time for me because of that loser!" I replied.

" Sora's popularity is at the same level as Amy's. You're just jealous." Elizabeth said.

Ha! I'm not jealous of Sora. He wouldn't be popular of it wasn't for Amy. And Charli shouldn't even be here.

I think it's about time to show Sora and Charli what Dalla High school is really about.

A few hours have passed and everyone has left home. Except for me and Jaylnn.  We stayed the night.

I was on my phone all night.

" What are you doing?" Jaylnn asked me.

I ignored her. She'll find out what I did tomorrow at school. Sora won't know what hit him.

Jaxx's POV

The next day

I was talking to Amy. Her voice is so soothing. That's what I love about her.

" We have a test in Spanish today. I'm not ready for that. The teacher already hates me." Amy said.

" I know. I didn't study much. I was too busy helping my dad with job applications." I replied.

A blue guy showed up. Amy gave him a hug. I think his name is Sora. That idiot is always around my girlfriend.

I cleared my throat to get Amy's attention.

" Jaxx you always do this. Sora's my childhood bestie. The guy I keep telling you about." Amy said.

Lily and Luca showed up. And a orange girl. Oh wait that's Charli.

" Hey Luca. We should probably go to our class. That way we can have some time to ourselves." Charli said.

Dang she sounded manipulative. I can tell by the look on Lily's face that she was not having it.

" Oh Okay then beautiful." Luca replied.

I should probably get to class too. Layla's waiting for me.

Luca's POV

My 2nd period was chemistry. I saw Amy whispering something in Charli's ear.

Charli then walked up to me. Gosh she's so beautiful.

We were in the lab today. I am so excited!

" So did you do it?" Charli asked me.

" Do what?" I replied.

Charli glared at me. She then rolled her eyes.

"Idiot." She whispered. " You were supposed to break up with Lily so we get together."

Lily has been a pain in my ass. I don't even like her anymore.

" I'll do it. Give me 3 days." I said.

" You better. I don't want to be the side chick." Charli replied.

Sora's POV

" What's up with Charli and Luca? They've gotten really flirty with each other." I asked Amy.

" Charli has a crush on Luca. So she asked mine and Layla's help to steal Luca from Lily." Amy replied.

WOW! How dare she not ask me for help! 

Hmmmm that just gave me an idea.

" Hey Amy. Since you're helping Charli, maybe you can help me. I want to make Jaxx fall for me." I said.

" Maybe. You already know how to get someone to love you. Charli doesn't so she asked me for help." Amy replied.

" Students! Remember you guys have the opportunity to run for homecoming queen or king." The teacher said.

Amy was homecoming queen last year. I know she's gonna run for sure.

Charli's POV

Amy and I walked to our next class. We saw the list to run for homecoming king or queen.

Once Amy wrote her name on the list, I wrote mines too.

Amy and I went to the girls bathroom. Amy was fixing my makeup.

" I think you got Luca to his breaking point. He should break up with Lily before homecoming." Amy said.

I saw a 2 list of each and every girls names. I never saw that before.

" Amy what's up with that list?" I asked.

" It's a list that has the richest and most prettiest girls in the school." Amy replied.

I looked through the list. Based on the girls that I know, Layla's first place and Amy's second.

" Hey Amy. Do you know Layla's parents by any chance?" I asked.

" Yeah but I can't tell you. You have to ask her yourself." Amy replied.

So that's what I'm gonna do! If I could find her.

Unfortunately the bell rang which ment it was time to go home. I don't even have her phone number!!!

Wait. Maybe I could ask her before she leaves.


" Layla!!!" I shouted to get her attention."

" Oh hey Charli." Layla replied.

" Okay. I have a question. It's about your parents." I said to her.

" What about my parents?" Layla replied glaring at me.

" I just want to know what job your parents work at. I'm not trying to be mean." I replied.

Layla took a deep breath.

" My mom is a lawyer and a former business woman. My dad works with the president." Layla said.

Oh my God! I can't wait to tell my dad!

" Listen to me! You can't tell anyone outside of this school! Not even your own parents." She continued.

" Why what are they gonna do hire a hitman to kill me?" I said jokingly.

" Yes. Yes they will." Layla replied crossing her arms.

......... I have no comment. I don't want to die.

" Okay Layla. I won't tell anyone." I replied. " Also where's Amy. I thought she was spending the night at your house."

" She is. She's just going to Jaxx's house for an hour." Layla replied.

Amy's POV

I had to talk to Jaxx about what happened last night. I never thought I was friends with a selfish pig.

" She thinks she's soooooo special just because she's dating Luca! Like girl nobody cares! You two aren't ment for each other anyway!" I shouted.

" Lily has been a jerk for the past few weeks." Jaxx replied.

" And worst of all, she insulted Sora! Nobody insults my bestie! Nobody!" I said still shouting.

My phone started ringing. Jaxx picked up the phone and hang up the phone.

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