Gym class/ the next day

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Gym is not my favorite subject. So when I found out we were playing dodge ball. I wanted to leave.

" You okay?" Alex said.

" Yeah. It's just dodge ball is not my thing." I replied.

" Yeah it's not my thing either." Alex said.

" So where's the coach?" I said to her.

" See that short old guy? That's coach Tim. He's been here for years." Alex replied.

" Okay students! Time for a break!" Coach Tim shouted.

" I have to go. See you later." Alex said and walked away.

I walked to where my water bottle was and I bumped into a male with white hair. He was so cute!

" Oh sorry!" I said.

" It's fine. Just watch where you're going. " the guy said. " I'm Luca."

" Charli." I said.

" Luca! What are you doing?!" A girl with blonde hair and violet eyes said.

" Oh Lily. This girl bumped into me." Luca said.

" Mhm. Sure. You're lucky I still love you." Lily replied.

" Wait! Love?!" I accidentally shouted.

" Yeah I forgot to tell you. This is my girlfriend Lily." Luca replied and kissed his girlfriend.

" Hey. My friend and I are throwing a party in a few weeks.  Wanna go?" Luca asked me.

His girlfriend Lily hugged him and then looked at me.

" I don't think that's a good idea. She probably has plans. Shouldn't there be a Kawaii expo or something?" Lily said.

" No. I'm probably free." I said.

" Great. See you there." Luca replied then walked away.

My heart was beating so fast. He's so hot! Too bad he already has a girlfriend.

Anyway, I found Sora. He was talking to Amy. Ugh.

" Hey Charli!" Sora said.

" Hey." I said.

" Are you okay? You look sad." Sora questioned.

" No. There's this boy that I like. But he already has a girlfriend."

Amy then looked at me.

" What's his name?" She asked.

" Luca. Why you're not dating him are you?" I said.

" Oh God no. I asked that because Luca is..... not a one woman guy. He's currently dating Lily Harris. Her father works for the city hall." Amy replied.

Yeah. I don't know how to feel about that. The bell started to ring.

" Classes are over for today." Sora said. " We now have until the end of the school day to do whatever we want."

At the hallways

" Sora?" I said.

He was looking at some guy. However when I said his name he slammed his locker shut.

" Oh. Hey Charli." Sora replied to me.

" What are you looking at?" I said.

" *sigh* the love of my life. Jaxx." Sora replied.

" Jaxx?" I said.

Sora glared at me. Then he realized.

" I forgot you're new. Jaxx is the son of Eliana Gonzalez and James Michaels."

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