This is my big night pt3

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" I could just keep going on and on about how much of a fake you are." Amy said.

Lily didn't say anything. She looked like she was about to cry.

" Got nothing to say?! That's what I thought." Amy continued.

As Amy walked away from Lily, she was holding her stomach. She looked like she was about to throw up.

" Are you okay Amy?" I asked her.

" I....... I gotta go." Amy replied running towards the bathroom.

Jaxx walked up to me and asked me if Amy was okay? I told him everything. Jaxx immediately walked to the bathroom and stood next to the water fountain near the girls bathroom.

Amy's POV

I ran into the nearest toilet I could find. Then I threw up. I don't know what's wrong with me. I heard Jaxx's voice. It scared me.

" Amy. You okay in there?" Jaxx asked me.

" Yeah. Just had a bad lunch. That's it." I replied.

After I was done washing my hands I walked out of the bathroom and gave Jaxx a hug.

" You wanna go to the dance floor?" Jaxx asked.

" Yeah." I replied.

A few more minutes have passed.

" Amy?" Jaxx said.

" Yes baby?" I replied.

" Would it be okay if you stayed at my house for tonight?" Jaxx asked.

I couldn't help but remember the last time I was at Jaxx's house.

" You're not gonna yell at me are you?" I asked him.

" No of course not." Jaxx replied.

" Then why do you want me to stay at your house? You know how my dad gets when I stay the night at your house." I asked.

" Because Jaylnn's staying at my Aunt's house and my parents are going on a business trip to Paris. So for the next few weeks I'll be home alone." Jaxx replied.

I do wanna stay the night at his house but I'm more concerned about my dad. You know what, he's not gonna get all serious about it anyway.

" And besides your dad said that as long as I don't hurt you in any kind of way then you can stay at my house." Jaxx continued.

" Okay. I'll stay at your house for a few days." I replied.

Charli's POV

" Charli have you seen Amy?" Sora asked.

Oh no.

" I think she went over there." I replied pointing at the opposite direction Amy was.

Sora walked away. Luca gave me a hug.

" May I have this dance?" Luca asked me.

" Yes you may." I replied.

25 minutes later

After Luca and I had our dance. It was time to announce our homecoming king and queen.

" Alright students. You've all cast your votes. This year's homecoming king and queen are!" The chemistry teacher shouted.


" Luca and Charli!!!"

Wait what?!

The whole gymnasium was filled with applause. Luca and I walked up to the stage and was given our crowns.

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