Chapter 3

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Squirellpaw's POV

As I lay still in the warriors' den, thoughts of my sister consumed my mind. What was wrong with her? I still had some time before I was due to move to the nursery.

Starspeckle hadn't returned yet, and worry began to gnaw at me. However, my friend Brambleclaw approached and nudged me gently. "Squirrelpaw, what's wrong? You've been staring at the wall ever since Starspeckle left," he mewed, concern etched on his face. I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze, feeling a sudden urge to confide in him about expecting kits with our mate.

Taking a deep breath, my voice trembled as I blurted out, "I am expecting kits." Brambleclaw blinked, his ears stiffening as he processed the information. "Whose kits?" he asked, his eyes locked onto mine. "Starspeckle's. He doesn't know it yet. Mother told me she could see it, and Cinderpelt confirmed it," I rambled on, my words spilling out in a rush. I knew Brambleclaw would listen without judgment. He had always been that kind of friend—someone I could pour my heart out to.

But the relief I felt was soon eclipsed by a wave of guilt. Ever since Starspeckle had announced to the Clan that he was my mate, Leafpaw had become distant. It was as if... her heart was broken.

Oh, StarClan, help me. What have I done? The realization struck me, and I shuddered from ear to tail tip, overwhelmed by the weight of my sister's pain.

"hey its okay i know yore gonna be a good mother the best kind inf act" brambleclaws voice broke me out of my thoughts and i sighed closing my eyes "i... ik think I've broken my sisters heart" i moewed after a few mitnes i didn't meet brambleclaws eyes i stoo dup aburlyty only to have  a sharp spaspam take my stomach "ahh!" i yelped sinking down to a corucing piston. 

"Hey, it's okay. I know you're going to be a good mother, the best kind, in fact," Brambleclaw's comforting voice broke through my thoughts, and I sighed, closing my eyes. "I... I think I've broken my sister's heart," I mewled, my voice heavy with regret. After a few moments, I still couldn't bring myself to meet Brambleclaw's eyes. Suddenly, a sharp spasm jolted through my stomach, causing me to yelp and collapse to the ground in pain.

"Squirrelpaw!" Brambleclaw shouted, his voice filled with panic as he rushed to my side. "I think you strained yourself too much, and the kits—" he began, but before he could finish, Leafpaw burst into the cave, her sweet scent enveloping my senses. "Leafpaw," I breathed, pressing my head against her fur. "Shh, hey, you're okay, Squirrelpaw. I'll get you to the nursery. Cinderpelt knows what to do," she assured me, helping me up as I leaned on her and Brambleclaw, our paws hurrying towards the medicine den.

"What's going on?" I heard Starspeckle's voice, but I couldn't answer. Dizziness overwhelmed me, and the world seemed to swirl before my eyes. But soon, the warmth of the medicine den enveloped me, and the scent of Cinderpelt filled my senses. "Lie her down here," the medicine cat instructed, and I was gently placed on a nest.

And then, the world faded away, and I could hear one last word before descending into unconsciousness. "I forgive you, sister. This isn't your fault."

And then, everything turned black.


I awoke to the gentle sound of soft mewling. "They're beautiful, Starspeckle, just like you," Leafpaw's voice reached my ears, filled with affection. Cinderpelt brushed my head with her tail tip, rousing me from my slumber. "Time to wake up," she whispered. I blinked my eyes open and gazed upon three precious kits, healthy and suckling at my belly.

They were beautiful.

One had white fur adorned with delicate sparks of ginger, another was completely white, and the third had a coat of vibrant ginger. The firstborn, a she-kit, possessed her father's eyes—blue with flecks of green. Her brother, with green eyes like mine, shared a familial resemblance. Their smaller sibling, also with my eyes, completed the trio.

Purring softly, I began to lick them gently, not only to clean them but also to provide a comforting warmth, although I knew they were already well-protected and cozy.

Amidst my maternal duties, a loud purring disrupted my cleaning, and I lifted my gaze to see Starspeckle approaching. His tail held high, his whiskers twitching with joy. A warm smile graced my face as he drew near, and I licked his cheek affectionately once he was within reach.

Brambleclaw stood nearby, giving us the space and privacy we needed, but his presence served as a reminder of the support and friendship we had.

In that moment, surrounded by my loving mate, our precious kits, and the unwavering bond between us, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and contentment, knowing that our future as a family held endless possibilities.

"I love you, Squirrelpaw," Starspeckle mewed, and my heart swelled with warmth as I gazed into his eyes. Returning his affectionate words, I smiled, my love for him evident in my expression. Starspeckle, with a tender touch, proceeded to lick each of our kits, his devotion evident in his every action.

"Have we decided on names yet?" he asked, breaking the peaceful silence that surrounded us.

I gazed at our precious bundles of fur, contemplating their individual personalities and the legacy they would carry. After a moment of deep thought, I nodded, a sense of purpose guiding my decision. "I can decide on one, and then you and Brambleclaw can name the others. After all, we're in this together," I replied, my voice filled with determination. Starspeckle purred, nudging the white she-kit gently. "Emberkit," he announced, and I couldn't help but adore the name he had chosen. He lovingly licked her over one ear, eliciting a small squeal and playful pawing. The sight brought forth a shared purr of amusement from all of us.

Next, I extended my tail to touch the second oldest kit. "Snowkit," I whispered softly, honoring his pristine appearance and the purity that radiated from him. Just as I finished, Brambleclaw approached, pressing himself against Starspeckle, a symbol of unity within our little family. With a tender touch of his nose, Brambleclaw bestowed the name "Galekit" upon the final kit, emphasizing their potential for change and the whirlwind of possibilities that awaited them.

We sat there in a peaceful silence, basking in the joy of our growing family. However, my bliss was momentarily interrupted when I noticed Leafpaw watching us, her gaze tinged with sadness. My heart clenched in response, and I couldn't bear to see my sister in pain. Thoughts raced through my mind, pleading with StarClan to bring happiness to her life. I couldn't bear to see her hurting, for our bond as sisters was too precious to be tarnished by sorrow.

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