Chapter 15

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Squrrielflight's POV

I blinked my eyes open in darkness, disoriented by the lack of light. It confused me more than I had expected. Suddenly, a figure emerged before me—a cat with stars adorning its paws.

A kind glow emanated from the cat's eyes as they approached. The more they came into focus, the more I recognized them. "Bluestar," I breathed. The old ThunderClan leader smiled warmly at me and nudged me gently. "Greetings, Squirrelflight."

I blinked again, trying to process the situation. "Why have you come to me? Don't StarClan cats usually visit medicine cats and leaders?" I asked. Bluestar smiled gently, "Don't you remember? I also came to you to reveal the journey to you."

I flicked an ear, trying to recall the past. "Oh, that, yes. But that was different," I stammered. Bluestar raised a brow, "How is this different from when I came then?"

Struggling to find the right words, I lowered my head. "I'm sorry, Bluestar. It's not that I don't want you here; I'm just... confused, that's all." Bluestar's gaze softened, and she placed the tip of her tail on my shoulder. "It's normal to be confused, dear one. Not everyone knows everything. I came only with a warning."

Her gaze darkened as she continued, "Beware the darkness that looms. Beware the breaking of the code. One who is not whom she seems, secrets are buried deep within—secrets that must never be revealed." Just as she finished, she began to fade away. "No, wait!" I called out, reaching toward her, but my paw passed through her translucent form.

"Remember, Squirrelflight. Remember," she urged before vanishing completely.


When I woke up, everything seemed normal in the Clan. Warriors were bustling about, engaged in their daily duties and conversations. I yawned and stretched, my gaze falling on Starspeckle's empty nest. He was probably out hunting or training with his apprentices before returning my attention to my kits.

They were peacefully sleeping, except for Falconkit, who seemed restless and eager to pounce on something imaginary. I chuckled and padded over to him, gently nudging him awake. "Wake up, dear one," I purred. The sturdy brown tom opened his eyes and asked sleepily, "What is it, Mama?" After a big yawn, he continued, "Well, it's time to wake up. Wake your siblings."

I licked Falconkit's face, causing him to squeal in surprise. "Mama!" he exclaimed with delight. I smiled and headed toward the nursery entrance. My mate was nowhere in sight, but I spotted my best friend, Brambleclaw. With a smirk, I pounced on him, playfully pinning him down. "Hey!" he sputtered, surprised by the sudden attack.

As he turned to face me, he grinned and said, "Oh, it's just you, Squirrelflight." I narrowed my eyes teasingly and replied, "Just me? What did you expect, Starspeckle?" Brambleclaw's tabby fur flushed with embarrassment, and I released him, stepping back. "Uh, no," he stammered before quickly changing the subject.

I blinked, wondering what had caused his sudden change in behavior. Shaking off the confusion, I walked back into the nursery, where I found Dawnkit playing with Cherrykit while her brothers watched.

I smiled warmly, my heart swelling with pride as I watched my kits playfully tumble over their father, Starspeckle. The nursery was filled with the soft murmurs of content cats, and a sense of peace settled over me. Daisy's comment about kits being a delight earned a playful snort from me. "They are indeed, as long as they've behaved," I replied, sharing a knowing look with the queen.

Suddenly, Starspeckle's arrival brought even more joy to my heart. His vibrant blue eyes locked onto mine, and I felt an overwhelming connection with him. "Starsepcle," I greeted him affectionately, my love for him evident in my voice. He lovingly attended to the kits, nuzzling them gently and showering them with fatherly affection. I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and pride at seeing our family together.

Falconkit's curiosity was adorable as he reached out to touch his father's paw, and Starspeckle indulged the little tom's curiosity. The tender moment melted my heart, and I knew our kits were fortunate to have such a caring father.

However, Dawnkit's exuberance could never be contained. She bounded from the nest and flung herself at Starspeckle, eager to share her love with her papa. Starspeckle handled it with his usual patience, guiding her gently back to her paws when she became overenthusiastic. Their playful interaction filled the air with happiness, and my heart swelled with love for them all.

Later, when the call for a clan gathering came, Starspeckle and I made our way to the Highledge. The seriousness of the situation hung in the air as Mistyheart, the deputy, addressed the Clan. Her voice was steady, but her troubled expression revealed the weight of her dreams.

"Bluestar visited me in my dreams," she began, and the Clan listened intently. "She warned us of a looming darkness, a breaking of the warrior code, and secrets buried deep within, never to be revealed." Her words echoed through the clearing, leaving us all in uncertainty.

Dustpelt's question reflected the concern shared by many. "How could we break the warrior code?" he demanded. Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, and Leafpool's worried glance from the medicine den added to the tension.

As I observed the scene, my instincts told me not to reveal my dreams. I exchanged a knowing look with Starspeckle, silently understanding that our dreams might be connected to Bluestar's warning. We kept our secret, determined not to raise suspicions among the Clan.

Mistyheart's firm resolve reassured us all, promising unity in adversity. I clenched my paws, vowing to protect my family and Clan from any harm that might befall them.

The uncertainty hung in the air, but I knew we were stronger. The bond we shared as a Clan would guide us through the darkness, no matter what secrets might be unveiled. With the love of my mate, the joy of my kits, and the strength of ThunderClan, we would face any challenge ahead.

Warriors #4: Dawn ✓Where stories live. Discover now