Chapter 17

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Squrrielflight's POV

As I gazed upon my adorable kits frolicking in the nursery with Daisy and Poppyfrost's kits, my heart filled with joy. They were such sweet and playful little ones, and it pained me to think of the day they would have to leave and find their paths.

Just then, a familiar voice caught my attention, and I turned to see Brambleclaw approaching me. He gently nudged my head with his, and I greeted him with a warm smile. "I see those rascals haven't changed," he remarked. I chuckled softly and replied, "Indeed, they are still as mischievous as when they were just three moons old."

Brambleclaw's purring turned severe as he shared his concerns about Starspeckle's recent behavior. My brow furrowed in worry, wondering what could be troubling our mate. "What's wrong?" I asked, seeking more information. Brambleclaw sighed and explained how Starspeckle seemed distracted lately, even putting himself in danger during a patrol with nearly disastrous consequences.

"He can't seem to focus, and even Firestar couldn't help him snap out of it," Brambleclaw continued, clearly worried. "Mistyheart is concerned too. I've seen how she looks at their son whenever he comes out of their den."

As we talked, one of my kits, Falconkit, playfully pounced on top of Brambleclaw's tail, pretending to challenge the RiverClan warrior. Brambleclaw played along, pretending to beg for mercy. I couldn't help but smile at their interaction. Though Brambleclaw wasn't their biological father, he cared for them as if they were his own, and I appreciated his presence in their lives.

I sighed, still concerned about Starspeckle but grateful for our little family's moments of happiness and laughter. Ultimately, we would face whatever challenges came our way together, as a loving and supportive family should.


As I waited for Starspeckle's arrival, a deep voice called out, apologizing for being late. My heart skipped a beat as I saw his distinctive ginger and white fur glimmer as he walked inside. However, something seemed off about him today; he appeared messy and unkempt, more so than usual. The worry in Brambleclaw's eyes mirrored my own.

The kits rushed over to their father, excited to see him. Dawnkit's enthusiasm caused her to tumble over her paws, but Starspeckle greeted them with a loving smile and licked each of their heads. Despite his affectionate demeanor, there was an underlying concern as he cautioned them not to hurt themselves.

Soon, Starspeckle approached me with the kits playfully hanging from his shoulders. I couldn't help but ask, "Doesn't it hurt to carry them like that?" He chuckled and gently swatted the kits away, advising them to be careful of their sharp little fangs. He settled down and wrapped his fluffy tail around himself, but I could see that his eyes were dim, as if lost in some distant thoughts.

I mustered the courage to reach him, hoping he would confide in me. "Hey, starspeckle, what's wrong? You know you can tell me and Brambleclaw anything," I offered. He shook his head, dismissing the idea. "This problem isn't something for you to worry about," he said before standing up and walking away, ignoring the calls of his concerned kits.

A sense of sadness enveloped me as I watched him go. Brambleclaw tried to reassure me, nudging me gently before walking away too. I felt mixed emotions as I prepared to rest for the night. All I could do was hope that whatever was bothering Starspeckle would pass and that he would confide in us when he was ready.

As I drifted to sleep, my thoughts were filled with concern and love for Starspeckle, hoping he would find his way through whatever troubled him. Our family was strong, and together we would face any challenges that came our way, supporting each other every step of the journey.


I jumped gracefully, my fur bristling with alarm as a piercing scream tore through the camp. Immediately, I began to scan the area, ensuring my precious kits were safe. They huddled behind me, their eyes shimmering with fear, seeking comfort and protection.

"What's happening?" I inquired, turning to Daisy as she approached. Her eyes held the same fear that gripped my heart. "I don't know," she responded, her voice trembling, "there's just someone screaming."

But then, another sensation overpowered me—a scent carried by the wind. It was the unmistakable odor of WindClan, and they were attacking. My instincts kicked in, and I knew I had to act swiftly to defend my clan.

"Stay here," I commanded my kits firmly, trying to mask my worry, "don't go outside the nursery and don't get into trouble. I'll be back." With determination, I rushed outside to join the fight.

And there he was, Starstep, standing over the WindClan leader, Tallstar, a magnificent ginger and white tom whose muscles rippled with power. His blue eyes burned with aggression, indicating that he was ready to kill, regardless of the chaos surrounding him. He seemed oblivious that his clanmates were fighting around him; he had one goal in mind.

"No!" I yowled, my heart pounding with dread, and I hurled myself at the formidable tom, determined to intervene. I slashed at him, feeling the sting of his claws as he fought to shake me off. "Stop!" I snapped, using all my strength to pin him down.

His gaze met mine, but those fiery eyes had no love or recognition. Something was wrong. As I looked closer, I noticed his pupils were slitted, and his eyes seemed ablaze with an unnatural intensity.

"Get off, you mouse brain!" he snarled, a voice that didn't sound like his own. The sight chilled me, but I refused to surrender to fear.

"Get off!" he repeated, thrusting me aside, and I tumbled to Tallstar's side. The WindClan leader was gasping for breath, visibly in pain as he struggled to rise.

As the chaotic battle raged on, I desperately called out to Tallstar, urging him to retreat and seek safety. But, being the strong and stubborn leader that he was, he refused to back down. The clearing was engulfed in mayhem, with cats fighting fiercely, cries and yowls echoing through the night air. My anger burned, but my most significant concern was for my kits and my love.

"Starstep, you must come to your senses!" I implored, hoping to reason with him, but he seemed lost in his delusion. He taunted me, reminding me I should have stayed with the kits. It hurt to see the cat I once knew become so unrecognizable.

But then, a flash of ginger caught my attention, and before us stood Firestar, the legendary leader of ThunderClan. His presence could break through to Starstep. Firestar tried to reason with his son, reminding him of the way of the Clan cats, but Starstep's laughter betrayed his grasp on reality.

He declared that he was no longer Starstep but Maehamon Vellaeris, and it sent shivers down my spine. His claws dug deep into the earth, showcasing his power and instability. My heart ached for the loss of the cat he once was.

Suddenly, Firestar found himself pinned under the giant claws of the creature that used to be his son. My heart sank as I witnessed the monstrous transformation of Starstep. The battle paused for a moment, shocked at the sight before them.

"Firestar!" I cried out in horror and attempted to rush to his aid, but before I could reach him, Mistheart, my dear friend and mate to Firestar, threw herself at their son in a desperate attempt to protect him.

The dragon-like monster, which was once Starstep, quickly brushed her aside, showing no mercy or recognition for his mother. His voice was now a low, chilling growl as he warned her to stay away, callously dismissing her as he had done with his former self.

Seeing my friend hurt and my love in grave danger was almost unbearable. Fear mixed with rage inside me, but I knew I had to find a way to save them all from this terrible fate. We couldn't let this monstrous being take control of Starstep forever; there had to be a way to bring him back. With love for my clan and my family in my heart, I vowed to fight for them, to end this nightmarish chapter, and restore peace to our world.

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