Chapter 21

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Squrrielflight's POV

"Squirrelflight! Squirrelflight!" I groaned as a cat prodded me forcefully in the ribs. "Alright, alright, I'm getting up!" I retorted, swatting the cat away irritably. The aroma of Brambleclaw's presence surrounded me as I drowsily glanced up at the brown and tabby tom, who arched an eyebrow at me.

"Are you sure, Squirrelflight? I've been calling your name for quite some time now," he exclaimed, a trace of amusement in his voice. Blinking, I realized I had drifted off again. Feeling embarrassed, I shook my head briskly to shake off the drowsiness and stood up, composing myself. Brambleclaw's expression softened, and he gave me a gentle nudge of support. "Come on, let's go. The Clan is counting on us," he said with determination ringing in his words.

Exiting our resting place, I walked over to the pile of fresh prey, grabbed a mouse, and began to eat. Brambleclaw went off to attend to his duties. Then, I caught the scent of my mother, Sandstorm, tinged with unease. "Mother," I mewed, meeting her gaze. She sat a mouse-length away, her green eyes filled with worry. "What's the matter?" I inquired. "Your sister has disappeared," she informed me, her gaze fixed on me.

Blinking in surprise, I scanned our surroundings and instinctively tasted the air. It was true; there was no trace of my sister's scent. "Where could she have gone?" I pondered aloud. Sandstorm flicked her tail in frustration. "Who knows, perhaps in search of your enigmatic mate," she muttered, her tone laced with skepticism.

Starsepckle was my mate, though his reputation had taken a hit a few sunrises ago when he unexpectedly attacked us all. Not only had he slain his father, an act utterly unlike Starspeckle's usual character, but he had also failed to earn a respected name for himself.

"I could go and look for her; I've been meaning to do so anyway," I offered, standing up. I ran my tongue over my muzzle before nodding at Sandstorm and heading toward the thorn tunnel. On my way, I passed Cloudtail, who was on guard duty.

"Squirrelflight," he called after me once I was within earshot, "where are you headed?" Letting out a sigh, my tail-tip twitching with irritation, I hesitated to delve into this discussion now, even if Cloudtail was Starspeckle's kin.

"Oh, nothing much, just taking a short break," I replied, hoping to brush off any further inquiries before he could pose them.


In the forest's heart, I allowed the scents to envelop me, inhaling their natural fragrance that always felt invigorating. Out here, the air carried a sense of perpetual freshness, as though it had never witnessed the darker elements that could befall it.

Alright, let's see if I can discern Starsepckle's scent amidst this medley of odors, I contemplated, lowering my snout to the earth. While the distinct presence of the formidable Starsepckle eluded me, I caught a faint trace of Leafpool and Ashfur. What in the seven suns were they doing together? The thought sent a shiver down my spine. Could he have taken her to the perilous Snakerocks? But what motive could drive him to such a treacherous act?

Resolutely, I set forth toward the sun-soaked rocks and soon arrived where my sister and her enigmatic companion stood. They conversed beneath the shadow of a tree, its trunk sundered in its center. Following their gaze, I glimpsed the curved length of a strong tail, intermittently twitching. That had to be Starsepckle, I concluded, excitement coursing through me. If I could reach him before my sister, there might be a chance to return him.

I cautiously ventured into the sunlit clearing, every step measured to avoid disturbing any concealed threats. Even though the rocks often hosted serpentine dangers, I remained vigilant, aware that the snakes could have ventured into the surrounding grass.

As I neared the entrance, a putrid stench of decaying flesh and blood assailed my nostrils. I winced, tilting my head to minimize the noxious intrusion. Simultaneously, deep rumbling snores reverberated from within the cave, and a glimmer caught my eye in the cave's dark recess. However, my attention was quickly diverted to the entrance where two serpents stood guard, their heads darting and tongues flickering. A frown creased my brow—were they protecting him?

Suddenly, one serpent locked eyes with me, its fangs bared, and I noticed something peculiar. It struck its tail twice upon the ground near the sleeping dragon. My heart raced as the earth trembled beneath me, and the largest beast I had ever seen emerged from the shadows. Its defining feature was piercing blue eyes, unmistakably Starsepckle's.

The dragon snorted, its nostrils flaring as it detected my insignificant presence. "Squirrelflight?" it rumbled, lowering its head to bring us face to face. I stifled a cough at the foulness of its breath. "What brings you here?"

"I-I've come to take you home," I stammered, locking eyes with those familiar fiery orbs. Starsepckle snorted, teeth bared in a menacing display. "Home? That camp is no longer my home, little squirrel. The entire forest is my domain now, and none dare oppose me. No, Squirrelflight, I shall not return."

He motioned toward the woodland edge, and the two snakes slithered away. My gaze widened as I heard fearful cries, and Leafpool and Ashfur stumbled into the clearing, pursued closely by the serpents. "Tch, you've brought more of your cats, Squirrelflight? Pathetic. But leave now, and your lives shall be spared," he declared, retreating into the cave, the serpents following suit. "But our kits!" I cried out desperately, to which his luminous eyes reappeared. "Have Brambleclaw care for them. They are better off without me—indeed, the entire Clan is. Now, go."

And with that, he withdrew further into the cave depths, leaving Leafpool, Ashfur, and myself to contemplate the ground before us. "Well, that was certainly eventful," Ashfur remarked, his tone tinged with irony. Shaking himself, he continued, "I'm heading back home. Anyone care to join?" Leafpool remained silent, her presence pressing against me comfortingly. "We'll find a way to bring him back someday. Don't lose hope," she whispered, and I sighed, my gaze fixed on my paws.

"It will be challenging to explain this to everyone," I murmured, and we turned as one, retreating to camp, our spirits heavy with the weight of the encounter.

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