Chapter 4

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Squriellpaw's POV

As I sat in the nursery with my kits, Emberkit, Snowkit, and Galekit, engrossed in their playful antics, my ears perked up, capturing Firestar's words as he spoke to Brambleclaw. Curiosity and concern welled up inside me, diverting my attention from my own cozy nest.

I turned my gaze to Starspeckle oting the confusion etched on his face. It dawned on me that Starspeckle had departed rather abruptly when we returned home, and he hadn't received the same message as the rest of us during our journey.

Thoughts of my missing sisters also resurfaced, reminding me that I hadn't seen them since our return from the harrowing journey. The worry for their well-being tugged at my heart, intertwining with the larger concern Firestar had expressed.

With a determined resolve, I made up my mind. "Stay here, my darlings," I mewed to my kits, standing up with a gentle nudge to Snowkit. He mewled in protest, but I quickly ushered him into the nursery, where Ferncloud and her sole surviving kit, Birchkit, sought shelter. Ferncloud had suffered the loss of two kits due to the ravages of starvation that plagued our forest, leaving her with barely enough milk to nourish Birchkit. Their plight only reinforced the urgency and gravity of the situation.

Leaving my kits in capable paws, I padded out of the nursery, ready to confront the unknown, determined to uncover the truth and protect my Clan from the impending leaf-bare crisis. The path ahead was uncertain, but I couldn't stand idle while our Clan suffered. Whatever signs or messages had come our way, I needed to witness them firsthand and play my part in securing the survival of our beloved Clan.

I padded silently through the clearing, following the scents of the ginger and pure white she-cats, the missing sisters. Their trail led me out of camp, and I furrowed my brow, casting a glance back at Firestar, who seemed unaware of my departure. Ignoring the perplexed gaze, I continued on, my determination unwavering.

To my surprise, the scent trail led me all the way to RiverClan territory. Lilypetals followed Sunfall's undoubtedly intertwined here and there, but it soon branched off, heading towards ShadowClan. Confusion swirled within me. What in the blazes were they doing?

I knelt down, kneading the ground with my paws, contemplating the situation. I had stopped at the RiverClan border, observing the flowing water. Fish may not have been as abundant here as I had imagined, but they were present nonetheless. Hunger gnawed at my belly, but I knew better than to take prey from another Clan, even if hunger was a pressing issue.

Suddenly, the scent of Hawkfrost, RiverClan's warrior, reached my nose, and a surge of anger coursed through my veins. My fur bristled, and I crouched into the safety of some ferns near the riverside. As I listened carefully, the voices of Hawkfrost and... Sunfall? My heart skipped a beat, and my eyes widened in disbelief.

"I don't know how, even after such a journey, you still look so glorious, Sunfall," Hawkfrost's voice reached my ears, followed by the soft, shy giggle of Sunfall. My jaws gaped open as I observed the white she-cat with green eyes walking closely beside Hawkfrost, their pelts almost touching.

No way. The realization hit me like a blow. My mind raced, struggling to comprehend what I was witnessing. The shock and betrayal washed over me, leaving me stunned and questioning everything I thought I knew.

As fury and disbelief consumed me, I couldn't fathom the possibility that Starspeckle's sisters could be involved in such betrayal. The satisfied gleam in Hawkfrost's eyes only fueled my anger further, and my claws instinctively unsheathed, ready for a confrontation. That conniving fox-hearted furball must be manipulating Sunfall somehow, using some sort of trickery to make her act all affectionate towards him.

I knew deep down that Sunfall was a kind-hearted cat, but even she didn't show mercy when it came to the other Clans. I recalled what Starspeckle had once told me about his encounters with Hawkfrost and Mothwing. his sisters' discontent towards Stormfur, Feathertail, and Crowpaw was evident, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

But here was Sunfall, clearly ensnared or bewitched by that fox-hearted warrior.

I couldn't bear to listen to any more of their conversation. With a surge of determination, I turned and fled from the scene, my paws carrying me away in search of Lilypetal. I hoped beyond hope that she wouldn't be as foolish as to succumb to the same treachery. My heart yearned for solace and a sense of loyalty, which I prayed I would find in the quieter sister.

May StarClan guide my steps and grant me a better fate in the presence of Lilypetal, I thought fervently, as I raced towards the ShadowClan border, driven by a mixture of anger, heartbreak, and a desperate need for answers.


I was wrong to hope for solace and loyalty from Lilypetal. My heart sank as I stopped short, witnessing Lilypetal padding after a ShadowClan warrior whom I couldn't quite recognize. However, in an instant, the figure vanished, and Lilypetal was left walking alone, making her way from ShadowClan towards ThunderClan territory.

A low hiss escaped my lips, catching Lilypetal's attention. "Squirrelpaw, what in the moons are you doing here?" she exclaimed, baffled and her fur standing on end. Rising from the bushes that had concealed me, I locked eyes with her, pinning her with a fierce gaze.

"I could ask you the same thing. What is it with you and your sister trailing after warriors from different Clans?" I snarled, my anger resurfacing. Lilypetal seemed genuinely surprised. "I wasn't trailing after anyone. I was talking to Tawnypelt. Even though we are in different Clans, I'm not going to let that ruin our friendship, and neither is Tawnypelt," she retorted, her voice firm.

I tilted my head, the intensity of my anger diminishing slightly. This situation reminded me of Brambleclaw's unwavering dedication to keeping our alliances safe. But deep down, I knew that this path would only lead to disaster for all of us.

"What if you have to fight her?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern, as we began our journey back to camp side by side. Lilypetal shrugged, and I saw a blazing fire in her eyes.

"I don't," she replied with conviction, her words resolute.

In that moment, I glimpsed a flicker of hope. Perhaps there was a way to navigate through these tumultuous times without resorting to conflict. As we made our way back to our Clan, I pondered the importance of friendships, unity, and the enduring bonds that could transcend the boundaries of our Clans.

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