Chapter 7

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Squirrelpaw's POV

I woke up, thoroughly confused after the visit from Bluestar. I couldn't understand why I, a mere warrior, had received such a visit when it was usually reserved for leaders and medicine cats. Shaking off my bewilderment, I blinked my weary eyes open and surveyed the sleeping cats around me. Only Mistyheart was awake, her gaze fixed upon the setting moon.

I felt a deep sympathy within me, knowing she must be experiencing a similar kind of pain. I padded over to her and settled down, sitting beside her. "Couldn't sleep?" I mewed softly, gazing up at the stars above.

A quiet "no" escaped Mistyheart as she remained transfixed by the rising sun, unaffected by the stirring cats behind us. "You're thinking about StarSpeckle, aren't you?" I asked, my voice filled with understanding.

"Yes," Mistyheart replied, her gaze still locked upon the horizon. "I miss him every day. But when I heard Leafpool was gone, I knew it would weigh heavily on his heart. He was fond of you and your sister, you know."

I blinked, taken aback. I had never realized that StarSpeckle had feelings for me or my sister. I had assumed that his previous acceptance of me was based on liking me at the time. Conflicting thoughts swirled within me, but before I could delve deeper, I mewed, "Well, it's not his fault that those pesky Twolegs are tearing up our forest."

Mistyheart gave a gentle purr and turned to face me, licking my forehead affectionately. "You know, Squirrelflight, I might not be able to find true peace until he returns, but there's one thing I'm certain of." Her eyes locked with mine, radiating sincerity. "He is incredibly fortunate to have you and Brambleclaw taking care of him. Will you promise me that you will?"

A warm purr bubbled within me as I stood up, joining Mistyheart. I felt truly blessed and fortunate. Grateful to StarClan for bringing StarSpeckle into my life and thankful to fate for gifting me with his kits.

With renewed determination, I set out alongside Mistyheart to wake our clanmates, ready to face the challenges ahead.


Heavy raindrops fell from the sky. I sighed and shook my head as we walked with bowed heads and drooping tails. "This is not what I wished for our clans," I exhaled. Brambleclaw heard me and nudged me. "Relax, I'm sure it will be fine once we find shelter," he meowed.

I made a joke and looked up at the winding path. Yes, we'll find shelter soon enough, I thought and continued trudging forward. Before long, the sun-warmed ground had cooled into a damp, wet surface, and I saw a river flowing across our path.

It was swollen with rainwater, weeping with small waves. "Just keep going," Brambleclaw whispered in my ear as he braced himself and leaped over the running water. "Come on!" he called out to the clans, and one by one, the older warriors and kittens jumped across.

Soon it was my turn, and I dashed across the river, my heart racing as I felt my kittens move inside my belly. But as I landed on the other side, everything was fine.

As Brambleclaw made sure everyone crossed safely, we continued onward. A dark forest loomed over us, and we hurried to escape the heavy downpour. Soon, as the treetops were above us, things started to improve slightly. It was cold, and we were all wet, but we could warm up if we huddled as we had done the previous night.

I curled up beside Longtail and Mousefur, along with Goldenflower. None of the elders were thrilled about this adventure, but we had no choice; otherwise, we would all perish. "Typical, I have thistles in my fur again," Mousefur complained, stretching her neck backward to grab one of the prickly balls. "Hey, wait, let me help," meowed Goldenflower, using her teeth to pluck a thistle thorn. Together, the two she-cats aided each other. Longtail, on the other hand, stared off into nothingness.

"Longtail, Starpseckle has been missing since the Twolegs took Leafpool," I replied, furrowing my brow. Longtail wasn't aware of the situation. The blind cat arrived at the elder's den earlier than he would have liked. He had been blinded long before I was born but was a kind cat. Not as prickly and grumpy as Mousefur. I smiled at the thought. Longtail turned towards me, flicking his ear. "I'm just lost in thought, Squirrelflight. Heh, have you seen Starpseckle lately? I wanted to tell the little rascal something," he said.

Longtail's gaze grew even paler, if possible, and his ears drooped. "Oh," he said, turning away from me, burying his muzzle between his paws, and falling silent.

"He's taking Starpseckle's disappearance harder than you, it seems," a voice meowed, and I turned to see Tawnypelt approaching me, a thin mouse clutched in her jaws. She set it down at her paws. "I thought you loved Starpseckle, not Longtail," I purred softly, shrugging one shoulder. "I'm sure only Longtail saw Starpseckle as a family son or something. Firestar has never told me that—" I cut myself off. Firestar wasn't my family; he was my leader. And Starpseckle could have as many brothers as he wanted, but he was my mate and always would be.

Tawnypelt's eyes narrowed before she blurted out, "You know I had feelings for Starpseckle, too, don't you?" I met her gaze and sniffed. "Yes, I figured it out long ago, Tawnypelt. I could even smell it," I said. Tawnypelt bristled, and her shoulders shifted beneath her fur. The adventure may have made us stronger, and we may have caught more prey than the clans, but we were tired and hungry. The afflictions that had befallen our friends had affected us as well. There was no point in fighting now.

I started grooming my paws, showing Tawnypelt that her short temper didn't bother me. After all, she was Tigerstar's daughter. What more could one expect from her? "Tawnypelt, let Squirrelflight be," Brambleclaw's strong voice meowed as he approached us, his tail flicking occasionally, indicating his irritation. "Yes, brother," she responded, leaving the mouse she had brought behind and slinking away.

"Beklager søsteren min," he said, turning to face me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Meh, she didn't bother me. I knew a long time ago that she liked Starpseckle. I mean, the whole group of cats that left liked him, right? Poor thing," I said, looking down at my belly. Warmth and guilt surged within me.

"But we were the ones who ended up with him," Brambleclaw uttered, nuzzling against me.

I smiled and nudged him gently. "We did it. I hope he and my sister come back soon," I said. Brambleclaw stood there, sighing, before gazing at the barely visible moon peeking through the clouds. "I hope so too, Squirrelflight. I do," he murmured.

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