Chapter 14

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Leafpool's POV

"I'll never see you again!" snarled Starsepckle, tears in my eyes. "No, please, listen to me," I pleaded. The red-haired white warrior snorted and tossed his head. "Who would want to listen to a cheater?" he spat.

I hung my head, knowing he spoke the truth.

"I... won't ask you to believe me, but I want you to hear me out," I said, trying to keep my voice from breaking. The sound of rustling grass filled my ears, and I saw Starsepckle sitting down with his tail neatly wrapped around his paws, even though it was fluffed out.

"Say something, and I'll listen."

I took a deep breath and approached him, pressing my nose against his. I felt him tense under me, but he didn't pull away, only when I did. "This is what I wanted to tell you, Starsepckle. I love you, and I... I know I can't pursue it. I am a Medicine Cat Apprentice and must follow the path StarClan has set for me." I sighed, closing my eyes, and tears made my fur dull.

The sound of a sigh made me open my eyes again, and I saw Starsepckle looking at me with warmth in his usually fiery gaze. "Oh, Leafpool, I... I am a loyal cat who only sees you as a friend. There was a time when I loved you, but I can't; we can't both have what we want." He stood up and turned his back to me.

"I'm sorry." With that, he paddled away, leaving me to stare after him.


I jerked awake and found myself in the medicine den of ThunderClan's territory.

I wasn't in the forest or on the moor, gazing at my long-time crush.

I was home.

I sighed and began licking my paws to keep myself occupied. I didn't want to fall asleep again if I had the same nightmare.

"Leafpool, what's wrong?" asked Cinderpelt, the gray she-cat, stretching in her nest as she tended to her injured leg.

"I..." I couldn't find the words. How could I tell my mentor that I loved a warrior?

Cinderpelt got up and walked over to me. "Have you had nightmares?" she asked. I nodded slowly, and then the medicine cat went to her herb pile and picked out poppy seeds. "Eat these. They will calm you down and help you sleep better this time."

I nodded, lowered my head, and swallowed the small, hard seeds.

When I raised my head again, I saw Cinderpelt looking at me with love in her blue eyes. "I hope you know that I'm not just your mentor; I'm your friend, and you can tell me anything," she said. I blinked warmly at her. "I know, Cinderpelt, I know."

With a smile, she went back to her nest and settled down. When I heard her gentle snoring, I got up and shook moss and twigs from my fur. I couldn't sleep anymore, so I thought I could take a walk.

I emerged into the moonlit night, the soft glow casting shadows across the camp. A familiar voice broke the stillness as I stepped outside, "Out for an early stroll, are you?" Stjerneknekk held Breezekit gently in his jaws but set the little kit down to rest beside him.

I nodded quietly, averting my gaze, not wanting Starsepckle to catch the turmoil in my eyes after the dream.

Drawing closer, the red-and-white warrior playfully nudged Breezekit, making the little one squeal and bat at the air. Starsepckle's warm chuckle filled the air as he affectionately nosed his son. "Fear not, my dear, I'll be back soon, and then we'll journey to the lake together," he reassured the young kit.

I stole another glance at him, feeling my ears burn with embarrassment at being caught staring. "I'm sorry," I managed to stammer, feeling my heart race.

A soft, understanding smile graced Starsepckle's face as he gently nudged me, his gaze filled with kindness. "Are you alright?" he inquired, sensing my unease.

With a nervous nod, I struggled to find the right words to respond.

Come on, focus; you're a medicine cat; keep your emotions in check! I silently scolded myself, trying to regain my composure. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and Starsepckle let out a good-natured snort.

"Well, I best be off to the lake then, or else Breezekit here will have my fur for sure," he quipped, picking up his three-moon-old son tenderly in his jaws. Lowering his head, he bid us farewell and gracefully vanished through the bramble tunnel.

I sighed and started walking my path, following wherever my paws led me. Surprisingly, they led me to the bramble tunnel, guiding me out of it and toward WindClan's territory.

I halted just near the border and flicked my tail anxiously. What am I doing? I thought, digging my claws into the ground.

Suddenly, I heard rustling in the bushes and saw a black, lean cat emerge with icy blue eyes. "What are you doing here?" he snapped, and I pinned my ears against my head. "I was just out for a walk," I replied, and the cat raised an eyebrow, swishing his tail. "Are all ThunderClan cats so scatterbrained, or just you?"

I huffed, feeling a little offended.

"Who are you?" I asked. The warrior lifted his head. "I'm Crowfeather. I went on a journey with your sister, remember?" I blinked in recognition and nodded. "Sorry, I didn't remember you," I said. Crowfeather shook his head. "Forget it now. How is Starsepckle doing?"

I perked my ears. "Are you concerned?" I inquired.

The cat hissed, baring his teeth, "Of course not! I just want to know," he shot back. I arched my back and shrugged, "Yes, he's doing well. He has three kits of his own now," I answered, puzzled as to why I would disclose such information to another Clan cat.

Was it because of my jealousy?

Crowfeather's eyes flickered with heartache and anger, "What?" I tilted my head, "You care about him," I stated. He denied it vehemently, "No, no, no! I just... didn't think he'd fall for that she-cat, that's all," he sneered, shaking his head, "Forget it, they've been mates since we left the old territory."

But I could see through his facade.

"Then there's nothing for me here. Farewell, Leafpool of ThunderClan. May StarClan grant you good hunting," he said coldly before swiftly turning and bolting away before I could utter another word.

Warriors #4: Dawn ✓Where stories live. Discover now