Chapter 18

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Leafpool's POV

I can't let Starspeckle be this monster, I thought as I displayed my claws to the gentle young cat I had liked since we arrived here. He shouldn't put up with this.

He had never started attacking his father or his clan members.

"Starspeckle!" I hissed, and the big dragon turned towards me with angry blue eyes that almost scared me again. But I gathered my courage and looked into his eyes. "I know you're not like this, Starspeckle. This isn't you," I said.

"What... do you know about me that I don't know myself, Leafpool?" he snarled, his breath burning in my face. I just stared back at him. "Because I know you, Starspeckle. You're Brambleclaw's mate, squirrielflight's too, and I... I love you, but I can't let you do this. You almost killed your father!" Starspeckle growled and lifted his head. "I don't care about insignificant matters, and you, least of all. I should have killed the Clan when I had the chance," he said as he turned away and took to the sky, leaving behind burning bushes and injured cats.

A pang filled my heart. No, no, no, this can't be the real Starspeckle, I begged, but it was too late. He had caused the damage, and I could only hope he would return and see what he had done.

"That's your son, Firestar. He must answer for what he's done!" a cat wailed, approaching the orange leader on his side, his sides heaving for breath.

"Dustpelt, back off from my mate!" Mistyheart hissed, positioning herself in front of the wounded Clan leader.

Dustpelt bared his teeth, "I don't listen to you anymore, Mistyheart. You had so many choices for the sake of StarClan, and you could have chosen me instead of that pampered pet!" His words were filled with pain and anger, and I was surprised to realize he had feelings for Mistyheart. I hadn't seen that coming.

Mistyheart sighed and retracted her claws, "I don't want to hurt you, Dustpelt. Let Firestar recover before you accuse him of something our son did," she said, glancing at her mate before turning away to help him back. "Come on, my love; I know you're exhausted. It's not every day one gets tossed from one side of the clearing to the other by a big paw," she said, supporting Firestar as they walked away from the clearing and up the small hill to the leader's den.

I felt helpless, even though it was my responsibility to tend to the wounded. "Leafpool," came the gentle, soft voice of my mentor, Cinderpelt. I turned to see the medicine cat's warm eyes looking back at me. "Come on, we have much to do," she said, and I nodded silently.

Everything hurt so much.


"But I don't understand why," I heard a cat whimper. Squirrelflight, I thought, gritting my teeth.

"Neither do I, but I'm sure wherever he is now, he'll come back one day and be the same Starspeckle we love," said Brambleclaw, and I hoped it was true.

"Hey, Leafpool," murmured Ashfur, and I turned to the gray warrior. "Ashfur, are you alright?" I asked, scanning him for any injuries, but I only noticed a bleeding wound. He hadn't fought against Starspeckle; instead, he tried to put out the fire that had started. "I'm fine, thank you," he replied shortly, and I squinted at him.

I detected no other injuries, but he was scared. Even frightened.

"You're scared," I meowed softly. Ashfur glared at me. "What did you say?" he hissed, but right then, Cinderpelt entered the clearing with a bundle of moss in her jaws. I immediately went to help her. "Thank you, my dear," she mewed, licking my ear. "I'll go check on Firestar." I nodded and took the moss into the den where Cinderpelt had set up her nest.

As I entered the den, one of Starspeckle's kittens was inside, licking a scratch on his shoulder. "Falconkit," I mewed, setting down the moss. "Auntie," he chirped, running over to me and purring against my fur. "How are you doing?" I purred back, gently brushing my tail against his back.

Falconkit drew back, saying, "I'm fine, just a little scratch from a thorn bush." His green eyes glittered, and I felt a pang in my stomach. Poor kit, having to witness his father go berserk, I thought, overwhelmed with sympathy. I smiled and licked his wound. "I can take care of it if you want," I meowed. Falconkit smiled and nodded, saying, "Yes, please." He settled down on one of the moss beds set up for all the patients coming in.

I began placing small pieces of cobweb on the wound to stop the bleeding, followed by some marigolds to prevent infection, and soon it was bandaged. "There, that's it. Come in again tomorrow so Cinderpelt and I can check for any signs of infection," I purred. Falconkit nodded and trotted out of the den just as Cinderpelt pushed her way in.

She didn't look very distressed, but I could see a hint of fear in her blue eyes. "Problems with Firestar?" I asked. Cinderpelt sighed, "He has a deep gash over his forehead and chest, but there's nothing I can't fix," she said. I nodded and went back to sorting herbs.

"Hey, Leafpool," Cinderpelt said. I hummed in response but avoided looking into her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to go through this tonight. I know how much Starspeckle meant to you," she said gently. I stiffened. Why is she talking about him as if he won't come back? I thought bitterly. I know he will return. I'm sure of it.

"It's fine. I mean, we should have seen it coming. Didn't Mistyheart go crazy once?" I said dismissively. Cinderpelt flicked her tail against my back. "No one liked her as strongly as you liked Starspeckle. I know this is taking a toll on you, but remember, I'm here for you; we all are," she said. I nodded but said nothing more.

Because I knew deep down that no one could be there for me like Starspeckle.

Not even his mate.

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