Chapter 22

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Leafpool's POV

I felt a profound sense of helplessness envelop me, unsure of the best course of action. Should I retreat and regroup with the rest of my small patrol, or should I press forward? As doubt gnawed at me, I reminded myself of the distance I had already traversed. After all, I had come this far, hadn't I? I clenched my claws into the ground, a determination coursing through me. I couldn't allow myself to falter now. Starsepckle's safety was paramount, whether he desired it or not.

With renewed resolve, I rose to my paws, distancing myself from Squirrelflight and Ashfur, who called after me, their voices fading into the background. I quickened my pace, soon emerging into a clearing. My eyes darted around, scanning for any signs of danger, particularly the glint of serpent scales against stone. This was my chance, and I had to seize it.

I padded cautiously toward the entrance, the gaping maw of the cave towering above me, teeth-like stalactites casting an eerie gleam. My heart raced as I ventured onto the muddy ground, my voice a mere whisper as I called into the gloom, "Starsepckle?" I sent a silent plea to StarClan, praying that the snake guardians would remain unaware of my presence, their fangs poised to strike.

The dragon's scent hung in the air, and a faint ember glowed deep within the darkness. Was he asleep, or was he merely ignoring me? I thought, my tail lashing with anxiety. "Starsepckle, come on. I need to talk to you," I implored, my voice carrying through the gloom.

My words seemed to catch his attention. The ground shifted, and I heard the telltale sound of hissing snakes drawing closer, their fangs bared. However, a dismissive snort redirected their attention, and Starsepckle emerged from the shadows, this time in his cat form. My breath caught as I beheld him, his appearance more striking than ever. His fur shimmered, and the ginger spots resembled flickers of fire. I was captivated by his presence.

"You wished to speak," he rumbled, his clear blue gaze on mine. "So, speak."


"So that is why I cannot permit you to remain here," I concluded, revealing the secrets I had concealed, emphasizing the need for our kits for their father's presence.

After a brief pause, Starsepckle sighed and stood, his gaze fixed on the expanse of the forest beyond Snakerocks. "I never imagined I would yield to the allure of a pretty she-cat, but here I stand. Fine, I will return home, but under one condition," he stated, his eyes locking with mine. I nodded eagerly, my focus unwavering. "I must retain control over the timing of my next transformations. I will not allow another incident like the one in camp. I never intended to kill my father; the dragon within me had endured being suppressed for too long and finally broke free from its restraints."

A gentle smile curved my lips as I stepped closer, pressing my nose into his fur. "I will do my best to persuade Firestar to understand your request, but you must speak with him yourself. He is your father," I offered. Starsepckle emitted a contemplative hum before tapping the ground twice. I watched as his snakes bowed in deference before retreating into the cave again. "I've instructed them to guard this cave diligently and keep intruders at bay," he informed me as we turned and returned to the forest and toward camp.

Anticipation welled within me at Squirrelflight's reaction when she saw her mate. A smile tugged at my lips, but it faltered as a pang of bittersweet realization washed over me. Yet, this wasn't about my happiness; it was about the Clan's well-being. I would accept if Squirrelflight and Starsepckle were destined to be mates.

"Do you think Firestar would be willing to see me?" Starsepckle's words drew my attention, and I met his gaze, observing a hint of fear in his blue eyes. Offering reassurance, I smiled and draped my tail across his shoulders. "Firestar is an impartial leader. He will recognize that you are still his son, even if a dormant darkness resides within you," I assured him.

With a snort, Starsepckle nudged me playfully before darting ahead. "In that case, see if you can catch me!" he called out, his figure quickly disappearing into the distance. Laughter bubbled from my throat as I chased after him, our forms blending into the forest as we raced home, an exhilarating joy coursing through me. It was a sensation I had never experienced before and felt utterly extraordinary.

Warriors #4: Dawn ✓Where stories live. Discover now