Chapter 5

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Leafpaw's POV

Silently, I made my way through our territory, desperately seeking some herbs to collect and seeking solace away from my sister, Starspeckle. Bitterness crept into my thoughts as I questioned why she had managed to attract the attention of two toms while I couldn't find anyone interested in me. I paused momentarily, gasping for breath, realizing that this was not the appropriate mindset for me. As a medicine cat, I shouldn't yearn for love or companionship.

The distinct scent of borage root reached my nose, drawing my attention. I approached the plant, leaning down to examine it, ready to harvest it for our medicine supplies. However, just as I was about to reach for the herb, the ground beneath me began to shake violently. Startled, I let out a small yelp as the earth buckled beneath me, sending me flying through the air.

Before I could regain my senses, I landed in the clutches of a twoleg, their strange and foreign hands wrapping around me. Fear coursed through my veins as I struggled to break free, uncertain of what fate awaited me in the grasp of these unfamiliar creatures.


I was confined in a tight, metallic space when I regained consciousness. The ground beneath my paws felt cold and unyielding, and the air inside was stale and suffocating. I couldn't help but dislike this cramped enclosure. A voice broke the silence from my left, speaking reassuring words. I turned my head, my fur bristling with unease, only to be greeted by the sight of a strange she-cat—a clear-cut kittypet judging by her scent. I tilted my head curiously and mustered a question. "And who might you be?" I inquired. The she-cat smiled warmly, dipping her head in greeting. "I'm Cody, and I've been stuck in this nest for quite some time. There always seem to be new cats coming in and out," she explained.

My frown deepened. New cats? That could have sounded promising. It could only mean that the twolegs were kidnapping us. The thought sent a surge of apprehension through me, causing my claws to unsheathe instinctively. I longed for Starspeckle's presence beside me, providing comfort and a sense of safety. I would even welcome Squirrelflight's company at this point.

With a sigh, I directed my gaze downward, focusing on the metal webbing surrounding me. "Are you alright?" Cody meowed, her voice filled with genuine concern. I glanced at her, noting the sincere worry etched on her face. "You seem down," she added. I flicked my tail, dismissing her observation. There was no way I would confide in a stranger about the complexities of my emotions—the fact that my crush had chosen my sister over me.

No, this kind-hearted she-cat didn't need to bear the weight of my troubles. "I'm fine, just a bit tired and... well, frustrated that I allowed myself to be caught by a bunch of twolegs," I replied, offering a nonchalant shrug, concealing the inner turmoil that gnawed at my heart.

Cody didn't appear as confined as I was, but she nodded in acknowledgment as we both turned our attention to the door, which swung open to reveal a twoleg holding a cage made of wirings—a tangle of fur and sharp claws contained within. The unfamiliar scent of another cat filled the air, and then I saw her. My whole body stiffened as I called out, "Sasha?" The she-cat inside the cage froze, her eyes locking onto me, while the twoleg set her down and nudged her into the metal enclosure.

Just as the shock of Sasha's presence settled in, I heard Mistyfoot's voice exclaim, "Sasha's here?" Her tone had an edge of urgency as she called out, "Sasha, it's me!" However, Sasha snarled back in disbelief, "Oh, quit it, Mistyfoot. There's no way you can be here."

Everything became even more perplexing. I remained silent, observing the unfolding scene, when I caught a familiar scent—Cloudtail and Brightheart. "Brightheart, Cloudtail!" I mewed excitedly, pawing at the metal cage containing the two cats. They turned their heads in their respective enclosures, and Cloudtail's deep mew echoed, "Leafpaw, what in StarClan are you doing here?"

A pang of guilt shot through me. If Firestar were to discover my presence here, I would undoubtedly face severe consequences.

"Oh, give it a rest, Cloudtail. I'm happy you're here, Leafpaw, but how—" Brightheart's words were abruptly cut off when I let out a yelp, startled by a deep rumble that shook the ground, causing all the cages to rattle. "StarClan, what was that?!" Cloudtail shouted. As the boom subsided, I could still feel the faint tremors beneath my paws. "I have no idea, but I think that was a roar. I've only ever heard one like that," I replied, my voice uncertain. The silence lingered for a moment before Cloudtail snapped, "Brightheart, love, Mistyheart is the only one who can transform like that."

My heart skipped a beat. Was she talking about Mistyheart turning into a dragon? But her son, Starspeckle, could transform as well. I thought Clan knew about it since they witnessed him stopping her. Thoughts raced through my mind, trying to make sense of the situation.

"What are we talking about?" rasped a voice, and I looked down to see a coal-colored cat blinking up at all of us. His eyes appeared weary and unfocused, yet there was a small flicker in them as if he knew he could escape if he truly desired to. And soon, he would get that chance.

"Nothing," Cody mewed to him, settling down, though I could see her ears twitching, indicating she was still listening intently.

I refocused my attention on Mistyfoot and the others. "What? Starspeckle is a dragon?" Mistyfoot asked, sounding astonished. Cloudtail snorted dismissively. "He... I did see him once, but I don't think he possesses the same kind of strength his mother had. That's all. And Mistyheart hasn't been a dragon for many, many moons."

"That's not entirely true," I said softly, barely audible. "What did you say?" Brightheart meowed, her tone tinged with surprise, yet I could sense fear rippling through her fur. I turned my gaze towards their cages and continued, "A few days ago, when Starspeckle and his band of friends returned home, his mother and I were at the WindClan border, talking to Tallstar. Mistyheart was threatening him, ready to tear him apart. But just then, Starspeckle arrived, and the two fought until Mistyheart transformed back, changing her heart. And then the rest of the Clan came. You were there, weren't you?" I asked, seeking confirmation.

There was silence before Brightheart sighed. "We weren't, Leafpaw. We were taken before that. Don't you remember?" she said. I blinked, struggling to recall. I didn't remember them being gone for that long, but if they insisted it was true, then... "Okay, I believe you. But if that was Starspeckle, and he can turn into a dragon, then I think I know why he was roaring," I murmured, my voice laced with concern.

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