Chapter 10

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Leafpool's POV

Being back with the clan after being away for so long was an overwhelming feeling. I had missed them dearly, but there were two beings in particular whom I longed for the most: my sister and Starpseckle. Starpseckle had come to my rescue, and I was at a loss for words to describe my emotions. There was a bittersweet ache in my heart as I witnessed Squirrelflight and Starpseckle again embracing each other. Seeing them alive and well was a relief, even though it pained me.

Taking a deep breath, I sighed and stretched my body, feeling exhaustion wash over me. My tail swayed lazily as the sun painted the sky in vibrant hues of orange and red. The colors streaked across the heavens, creating a mesmerizing display. I couldn't help but yawn, feeling the weariness seep into my bones.

Just then, Firestar approached me, nudging me gently. "Keep an eye on Lillypetal, will you? She's hurt," he said, his concern evident in his voice. I nodded silently and went to where my mentor, Cinderpelt, was attending to her patient.

"Good to see you awake," Cinderpelt mewed, her voice filled with relief. She nudged a few poppy seeds toward me, instructing, "Set them in a bundle of leaves so we can carry them." I nodded in acknowledgment and began to gather the poppy seeds, arranging them carefully on a bed of leaves.

Meanwhile, Lillypetal lay on her side, whimpering intermittently. As I approached her, I could immediately discern the cause of her pain. A deep gash ran across her flank as if inflicted by a formidable predator like a mountain lion. However, it couldn't be the case, as we hadn't heard any screams or caught a whiff of its scent in the vicinity for days.

Frowning, I continued my examination but soon pushed my concern aside as the bundle of poppy seeds was ready. I set it aside and turned my attention back to Lillypetal. "What happened to you?" I inquired, studying her closely. Cinderpelt cleaned the wound with moss, soothing the injured tabby she-cat. Lillypetal shifted to face me, her expression filled with discomfort. "Just... scratched me on a branch, that's all. But it feels like a cat has wounded me," she confessed, closing her eyes tightly. A string of curses escaped her lips, followed by a quick apology. "Sorry, but please keep still," Cinderpelt snapped gently, her focus unwavering.

The two of us continued assisting wherever we could, working in tandem to aid Cinderpelt in caring for Lillypetal. Amid our collective efforts, I suddenly felt a warm breath on my back, prompting me to turn around. There stood Starpseckle, his worried blue eyes fixed upon me. A small smile graced my face at his evident concern. Despite the beast that resided within him, his heart remained pure and compassionate.

"How's Lillypetal?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine worry. I reassured him with a nod, my tail lightly touching his shoulder. "She's fine," I responded. "She merely scratched herself, nothing serious." Starpseckle snorted, rolling his eyes in an exasperated manner. He cast one last glance at his sister, his expression a mix of protectiveness and frustration, before following me as we moved away from the two she-cats.

"She can be so clumsy," he muttered under his breath, a hint of exasperation lingering in his tone. I hummed in agreement, not particularly inclined to engage in conversation.

Starpseckle must have noticed my inner turmoil because before we reached the others, he abruptly turned towards me, his voice gentle yet firm. "Hey," he called out, causing me to stop and face him. My gaze shifted away, and I nervously kneaded the ground with my paws.

"Leafpool, you know you can talk to me, even if I chose your sister. I'm still your friend," he reassured me earnestly. I struggled to find the right words to express my complicated emotions. "I... I know," I replied, my voice wavering slightly. "And I'm not mad because you chose my sister." It was a lie, and yet, it wasn't entirely false. I felt more sadness than anger. I understood that I couldn't control Starpseckle's heart, and who was I to dictate who he should choose? He was his own master, capable of making his own decisions.

A gentle paw lifted my head, urging me to meet his gaze. Two comforting blue eyes met mine, and a genuine smile twinkled on Starpseckle's face. "Even if I chose your sister, I still see you as my best medicine cat. When I become the leader, you will be my medicine cat," he affirmed, running his tail over my ears, causing a warm blush. Stuttering, I managed to utter a heartfelt, "Thank you." He purred softly in response, his reassurance washing over me.

"Now, come on," he encouraged, "while you may be an apprentice to Cinderpelt, she still needs your help." With newfound determination, we padded back to the others, and I resumed my duties, feeling a sense of lightness enveloping me. Perhaps this journey wasn't the end of our lives after all.

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