Chapter One

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I awaken, my eye lids slowly lifting, as I stare up to my white ceiling. After a few seconds of staring blankly, and blinking, I scramble upward. When I finally sit up, my eyes land on my calendar beside my bed, and a grin spreads across my face.

October twenty-sixth, Monday, and my first day at a new school! I glance to my metal clock beside my bed, and my eyes widen.

It's five a.m.?!

Quickly throwing my white bedsheets off of me, I hop of my bed, glancing in the mirror.

My light pink and white boxers hug my small waist, and the loose black t-shirt on my body has a band's name written on it. Fionna, one of my best friends, gave it to me as a Christmas present. I wear it to bed every night, except for the weekends, I wash clothes during the weekend.

I ruffle my pink hair, as I walk toward my closet, and open the double doors.

Searching the many outfits in the walk in closet, I pick one of my classiest ones.

Taking off my shirt, I replace it with a white dress shirt, and a pink sweatshirt, that has the white collars sticking over its top. I tug on a pair of pink jeans, which stick to my body perfectly.

Smiling, I run to my bathroom, making sure I don't waste any time.

Flipping the light on, I begin brushing and combing my hair together. Lightly gelling it together, I smile at the finished product.

Brushing my teeth, I run down the stairs, carefully hopping off the last step. I pass by the clock on the wall, reading 6:20, and quickly make myself some toast and a bagel.

As soon as my toast pops from the toaster, I slather peanut butter and jelly onto it, taking a bite out of it.

Quickly lathering my bagel with butter, I hear my house phone ring, and immediately run toward it.

"This is the Gumball Residence, whom may I ask is speaking?"

"Hey honey" I hear the familiar voice of Peppermint Maid say.

Grinning, I say "hey Peppermint, how's it going?"

She shuffles around on the other end of the phone, and whispers "I just wanted to wish you a good day at school. I hope you have a wonderful day and make lots of friends."

I giggle, and say "thanks, I hope I do as well."

Suddenly, I hear the voices shift, and Fionna shouts "hey Gumball, I hope you have a gum-tactic day!"

Pulling the phone away from my ringing ears, I chuckle.

"Thanks Fi, I will."

We exchange our goodbyes, and I hang the phone back on its holder. Just in time for my alarm clock upstairs to to ring.

The bus!

My dark pink backpack sits in a chair, and I flip it onto back, chugging the rest of my milk. As I run to the door, I stop, turning to the mirror beside me.

Wiping my milk-stache off my top lip, I smooth Chapstick onto my lips, and smile.

"This is going to be a new year, a great year" I say, repeating Fionna and Peppermint Maid's words in my head.

Opening my front door, I see the bus slowly pull up to my driveway, honking loudly. Exiting the safety of my home, I lock the front door behind me, and run toward the big yellow bus.

The door slides open, and the female bus driver gives me a look.

"Get in, sugar."

I nod, softly taking a step into the silent bus. With each step I climb, I hear whispers get louder, and stares become harder.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turn into the long row of bus seats, filled with few students, who had hard looks attached to their lifeless eyes.

"H-hello" I say, giving a slight wave.

It stays silent for a few seconds, until one particular male shouts from the back of the bus. "Are you a girl or guy, 'sugar'?!"

Everyone bursts into laughter.

The bus door slams, and I flinch, clearing my throat. Taking my eyes off of the dark haired boy, who needs to get his vision checked, I walk down the aisle.

"Hey" a voice calls out, as well as a hand, which grips my arm.

I turn to the owner of both, shocked to see a girl with confidence radiating from her aura. Her dark eyes remind me of a cloudy day, but her black hair seems to relate to nothing in particular. I really like her look, which involves a short lime green t-shirt, with black capris. Bright red glasses lay on her head, they seem way bigger than her eyes.

"What's your name kid" she asks, her thin eyebrows lifting slightly.

"You can call me Gumball" I stutter out, trying hard not to stare at her breasts, which are practically popping from her shirt.

"Ignore that idiot" she says, leaning her head toward the rowdy pack of boys at the end of the bus. But I known who she is talking about. "Sometimes he forgets that he's just the same as us...well, maybe a bit different" she smirks, winking directly at me.

I nod, about to walk away, but she pulls me down into the seat.

"Hey" she says, her tone a bit higher than before. "Want to meet my friends?"

As if on cue, more girls leaned from the seats in front and behind us.

"By the way" she says, "the name's Marceline."

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