Chapter Thirteen

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"Damn Gumball" Marceline chuckles, "you look terrible. You have a rough night imagining my mom shouting at you, or what?"

Sighing, I rub my eyes, the bags underneath them being a dead weight.

"No" I answer, "I had a nightmare about the Halloween party coming up."

We walk together, first period being our first pit stop. Despite the fact that I'm walking half awake, I ask her a familiar question.

"You know that kid who has blue hair, and hangs around Marshall?" As she nods, I continue "what's his name?"

Marceline sighs, stretching her arms above her head.

"I'm surprised you got Kyle to notice you, it's only your third day. He's one of Marshall's puppets that has a mind of its own. The bad thing is, his mind is all about sex, anything and everything he can hump, and he's immediately a dog in heat."

Nodding, I feel my eyes falter from open to shut, as we enter English.

"Gumball" an unfamiliar voice calls, and I look up.

A girl with dull blonde hair and a outfit consisting only of white, walls up to me. She has a glare on her face, which would usually frighten me. I would normally be on my feet by now, but as a tired student with less than 4 hours of sleep, I let her approach me calmly.

"Flame's mine" she growls, poking me with her index finger. "We're practically soul mates, and no one, not even a good looking person like you, can steal him from me!"

I nod, struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Thank you for the compliment" I say, patting her on the shoulder, as I walk past her.

She must've been Flame's ex-girlfriend that people have warned me about. Huh, I'm surprised that actually went smoothly. I thought she would've-

"Hey!" She shouts, and I stop, turning to her, with my eyes barely open.

"I'm practically his guardian angel, he won't choose you over me, I'll make sure of that."

I want to roll my eyes, but instead, I nod giving a small wave, as I sit in my seat. Honestly, she's going to have to wait to get at me. There's a long line of people who hate my guts for no apparent reason, and I don't have time to deal with people of false accusations.

Laying my head on my desk, I wrap myself in the cocoon of my sweater, without taking my backpack off.

As I doze off, a hand smacks the back of my head, and I immediately react.


Marshall Lee chuckles, dropping into the seat behind me, as his laughter dies. I ignore him, laying my head back onto my desk.

"Huh, no fight today" he questions, his voice getting closer. I feel his cold fingers tug on my sweater, but I don't reject them.

I simply hum a 'mhm', before relaxing again.

"Gumball" the teacher suddenly shouts, and my eyes fly open, my head lifting quickly.

"There's no time for sleeping in class, when you can learn about Homer and The Iliad!"

Nodding, I lean my head on my hand, as I stare at the white board.

How long was I out?

Glancing at the clock, I count 4 minutes, and groan. Slapping my cheeks a bit, I freshen up, before paying full attention to the teacher.

"Had a rough night" Marshall asks, as he whispers into my ear.

His breath is warm against my cool skin, and I instantly blush.

"Nothing that I can't handle" I retort back, not wanting him to distract me.

"Do you want me to wake you up?"

Suddenly, his cold fingers are at my neck, surprising me. They travel from the base of my neck to my jaw, where he roughly pulls down.

I quietly open my mouth, about to argue, when he shoves his fingers into my mouth. I almost choke, as he slides them against my tongue.

Pulling away, I cough, wiping away the saliva on my chin. Turning back to him, I glare.

"You jerk!"

Luckily, people were talking loudly to each other, and couldn't hear what was happening at the back of the class, as the teacher plugged in the projector.

"What" Marshall smirks, "you're awake, aren't you? Plus you should use that mouth for something more... useful."

I frown, turning away, as a blush finds its way to my cheek. What a disgusting thing to do, who knows where his fingers have been?!

"What's going on in this neck of the woods" Marceline asks, sitting beside us.

I give her an angered look, as she chuckles.

"You two never fail to make me worry. Um...Gumball?"

I nod to her, confused by the worried look she has on her face.

"Do you hate me for not telling you that I'm a vampire princess?"

I giggle, surprised she would ever think that, and shake my head.

"Of course not Marceline, you're my best friend. I wouldn't be mad at you for such a silly thing!"

She walks back to her seat, smiling, as the teacher begins to play the short film about The Iliad. The lights are turned off, and I find myself nearly dozing off again.

Quickly shaking my head, I shift back in my seat, hoping this position would prevent me from falling asleep.

Marshall begins to play with my hair, and I blush, wanting to pull away, but the pleasure argued against any movement. Having people play with my hair is a weakness of mine, I always fall into a deep silence and quietly enjoy their fingers rolling through my pink locks.

And as Marshall's cool fingers brush back and forth, I keep still. His fingers feel nice against my warm skin, and despite my dislike for him, I yearn for his touch.

"You have soft hair" he states, and I merely nod, unable to say anything.

As his fingers gently pull on my hair, I let out a gasp, quickly muffling it with my hand.

No one glances at me, and I relax.

How awkward! If anyone saw or heard such a noise from me, I might just explode from embarrassment!

"I hope I didn't make you hard" Marshall whispers into my ear, "I didn't know you liked it that much."

His deep chuckle recedes, as he sits back in his chair, and I begin to crumble in embarrassment.

He heard me!

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