Chapter Five

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The bell rings, signaling the change to another class, and I sigh. Standing up, I grab my backpack, carrying my journal and schedule in my arms.

Art is next!

My mood changes, as I exit the classroom, searching for room 518.

"Hey, Gumboy!"

Turning around, I see Marceline catching up to me.

I smile, waving as she catches up to me.

"Hello Marceline."

She gives me a look, but I just ignore it, walking down the hallway with her.

"You're not actually going to Marshall Lee's party, are you" she asks. I sigh, feeling my lungs ache with fresh bruises painted onto my skin.

"Well, yes, I was invited. Would you like to come with me" I ask. I'd be more comfortable knowing that I had a friend to help me if anything went wrong.

She gives a nervous laugh, and looks down to my schedule.

"You have art next? So do I!"

She quickly changes the subject of our conversation, rambling on about our teacher. I decide to note her as uncomfortable when it comes to Marshall Lee, as most people are.

"Since art is last period, Mr. Matthews doesn't really care what we do."

I nod, surprised when she finally leads me to our class.

That was quick.

"Ah" an old man approaches us, and I assume it's Mr. Matthews. "Marceline person, welcome to art! I'm glad you and your brother finally decided to join us, Marceline!"

Marceline gives a smug look, grabbing my arm, and dragging me into the class. I wave to Mr. Matthews, happy that he is a nice teacher.

Marceline sits me next to her, and I place my things beside me, surprised at how nice the class looks.

There are no desks, only canvases hung onto easels, with chairs planted in front of them. I really like the feeling that emits from this class.

"I didn't know your brother has this class" I say, remembering Mr. Matthews' words. "I would love to meet him."

Marceline shifts uncomfortably in her seat, her eyes avoiding mine.

"Nah, he's a real douche, you wouldn't like him."

I give a disappointed look, but ask "what does he look like?"

She looks around the room, a small 'hm' escaping her closed lips. "Like him!"

She points to a blonde student in front of us, and I nod.

"But my brother's hair is a bit lighter, and thicker. His eyes are, un, orange!"

I nod, getting a clear view, and say "wow. The name Anthony does suit him." I faintly remembering her say that was his name, from earlier.

Before I can ask her more questions, I hear a group of boys begin to laugh, as they enter the class.

Turning to the door, I'm surprised as Marshall Lee walks into the room, but my eyes fall to a boy who walks in after them.

Blonde-ish hair with a tint of orange in it, and bright eyes that flash orange in the light. He looks nothing like Marceline, but his characteristics fit Marceline's description.

"Marceline" I whisper, leaning closer to her. "Isn't that your brother?"

She looks to where I point, and let's out a 'aha', before nodding.

"Yep, that's my brother, Anthony!"

Our conversation is halted, as Marshall Lee interrupts us.

"Well, well, if it isn't Gumwad and Marce-liar. How is your day?"

I smile to him, and stand up.

"Lovely, I am going to introduce myself to Marceline's brother."

Walking away from them, I head for the orange eyed boy, who is sitting in front of a blank canvas. As I approach him, I notice him picking out different paint colors, and I smile.

"That's a pretty color" I say, pointing to the orange. "It matches your eyes."

He looks down to me, shocked, and gives me a small smile.

"Y-you think so?" He stutters a bit, but it's really cute, so I giggle.

"Yep" putting my hand in front of him, I wait for him to shake it, before proceeding.

"My name is Gumball, Marceline's told me a lot about you, Anthony."

He gives me a strange look, glancing toward Marceline, before looking back to me.

"Um, people usually just call me Flame."

I smile, letting go of his hand.

"You're nothing like Marceline, I'm surprised you're her brother."

Flame looks down to me, his mouth ajar, as if to argue with me, but he quickly shuts his mouth.

"I get it from my d-dad, yep."

Nodding, I hear Marshall and Marceline argue behind us, and sigh.

"What's Marshall Lee's deal? Does he hate people, or is that just a hobby?"

Flame chuckles, still looking for the paint he is set on finding, and shrugs.

"When we were younger he used to love hanging around others. I think since his family began pressuring him to become the next heir, a few years ago, he got fed up with it, and became a rebel."

Wow, Marshall Lee is an heir?

I know what it feels like, and trust me, I understand what he's going through right now. Maybe I can comfort him, and become friends with him!

"Don't get too close to him" Flame says, turning to face me. "Marshall Lee has an anger problem, he has to control and be in charge of everyone, that's just how he lives. If you disobey him, then these bruises" he lightly brushes a finger on my bruises cheek, "will be nothing compared to what he will do next."

I feel a light blush rise on my cheeks, quickly looking down to the paint. I want to ask him another question, but the bell rings, and he says goodbye.

I walk away, sitting inbetween a worried looking Marceline, and angered Marshall Lee.

"So" she questions "what do you think?"

I feel my head float to cloud nine, my face still savoring a sweet blush.

Stuttering, I say "your brother's really nice."

Marshall Lee scoffs, a growl emitting from him.

"If only you knew."

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