Chapter Two

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"It was nice to meet you Marceline" I wave, before entering my classroom.

I was flushed a bright red, and I bet it looked quite weird from another's point of view, but it's not what it looks like. I don't like Marceline like that, but I was flushed from meeting so many of her friends.

She wasn't kidding when she said that she had a lot of friends. I can't remember half of their names!

But Marceline is one of the strongest women I've ever met. She has this attitude, that compliments her confidence, and there's nothing I dislike about her. Well, other than how honest she is.

I remember her first words she said, as we stepped off the bus.

"Those pants with that sweatshirt?"

I nodded, unaware of a 'dresscode', and let her explain fashion to me. But, she made up for her offensive words, by walking me to class.

Before I can look around the classroom, my body bumps into another, and I fall back a step. Gasping, I grab onto the shirt of the person, and feel a hand loop around my waist.

Looking up, I see the face of the rude guy on the bus, and immediately widen my eyes.

My heart began to beat faster, every beat banging against my chest, leaving me breathless with each pump. My face heats up, redder than before, and I begin to feel dizzy.

It was like a scene taken from the notebook or something.

And I, mister lonely, was living it.

Until he had began to glare angrily at me.

"S-sorry" I say, letting go of his shirt, and stepping away from him.

"Watch where you're going" he snaps, walking out of the class quickly.

I begin to turn away from him, as many hands land on my arms and chest.

"Ohmigosh" a random voice shouts, yanking me around to face the group of girls behind me.

"Gumball are you okay?!"

"He is so mean!"

"You poor baby!"

I'm pulled into the arms of many girls, who feel as if I've been physically injured, when mentally I'm confused.

What was that?

Why did my heart-


I turn my head, seeing the teacher eye our little group suspiciously, but ignores it.

"Do you know where Marshall Lee went?"

Glancing to the clock above her, I wonder how we still have 3 minutes until the final bell, but ignore it.

Everyone answers 'no', but I stay silent, not aware there was anyone named Marshall Lee in this class.

As the teacher exits the classroom, the girls lead me to a seat surrounded by all of them, asking lots of questions. I try to be as polite as possible, giving a smile, and eventually I fit right in.

"Are those your natural eyes" a girl asks, leaning closely in. I nod, watching all the girls say 'ooo' and 'awe' with amazed looks.

"They're so pretty" another girl comments.

"You should sit with us at lunch" I hear Marceline comment, walking into the classroom at that moment. "I think we" she motions to all the girls around me, "would all like that."

Sitting dazed for a second or two, I eventually accept, a wide smile spread across my lips. Marceline leaves, saying that she needed some juice, as they all clap, but it's interrupted, as the classroom door slams shut.

Everyone goes quiet, looking up to rude bus kid, as he looks around, obviously not caring. But, as his eyes meet mine, he squints, walking straight toward me.

The girls around me shuffle behind me, as if I could protect them, when in reality, I'm the weakest one out of them all. But, still I keep my calm facade.

"Hey Bubba" he calls, as he stands in front of me. Everyone's eyes are on us, no one daring to show emotion, as the show of the year begins.

"H-hello" I say, not able to hold the shake in my voice.

Raising an eyebrow, as if amused, he slams his hand into my desk, shaking the desk ever so slightly.

"This is my desk" he growls, and I swear his eyes darken from black to an endless hole of oblivion.

"I'm sorry" I say, despite the lump in my throat. "I was invited to sit here, and I think it'd be rude if-"

He scoffs, looking above me, at the girls standing behind me. Glaring, he shouts "who gave this shemale my seat?"

No one speaks, no one even breathes.

"Was it you" he questions, yanking on a girl's arm, "you little slut?"

Tears fill her eyes, and I can't help but intervene. Standing up, I throw myself in front of her, shoving him away from her.

Gasp sound from all over the room, as if I had insulted a king, when in reality, he had been a dictator the whole time.

"It's not polite to call girls such awful things" I state, putting my arms out. My heart is racing, but my face doesn't disobey my wishes, keeping a hard glare on this rude boy.

"Well, well" he chuckles, "looks like you do have balls!"

Laughing, he gives me an expectant look, but I don't understand. Until he slams his fist on the desk again, making me flinch, and other's squeal.


Others laugh, but I remain still and silent, not daring to make him happy. Or satisfy any of his selfish desires. I can't let a bully like him win.

But apparently he isn't used to defeat, as he grabs me by my collar, yanking me hard. I follow him, my feet tripping with each step I'm yanked by.

People shout my name behind me, as if wanting to do something, but no one does. I know what it must feel like, scary and wanting to do something, but afraid to. I forgive them all in that instant.

But, as I'm dragged into the restroom, and handicap stall, by a bully of little words, I feel my heart flutter in cracking manner.

"No one disobeys me, Marshall Lee" he growls, and I swear his eyes flash red for second.

But, my attention falters to his hands, as they form fists.

And the first punch is thrown.

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