Chapter Twenty Two

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"You won't have Marshall Lee" the Vampire Queen hisses at me, her red eyes glowing brighter by the second. "He will love no fool of the sugar kingdom, who won't even stand up to his self, let alone his own bully!"

How does she know- a dream. This is a dream, it can't be real.

"I will have Marshall" I retort back, my hands curling into fists.

My room begins to fade, turning into a pit of blackness, as we near each other. With her each and every stomp, my fears fly away, and I become liberated.

Suddenly, I'm surrounded my mirrors, yet only the Queen's reflection fills each one.

"Will you now" each reflection scoffs, a cackle escaping her red stained lips. "Listen to me Prince Gumball, Marshall isn't the brightest man, but he is no idiot!"

I don't know why, maybe it's because I am aware I'm in a dream, but I gain confidence. Confidence I've never been blessed to experience, confidence that might just help me survive.

Confidence that shows me that I can actually tolerate Marshall Lee, and his extremely strange way of showing his affection.

"No" I shout, as the Queen opens her mouth once more. "You listen to me, Vampire Queen. I will not tolerate your son's rudeness, let alone yours, and when the time comes to it, I have balls!"

My hands fly to my mouth, as the Queen gives me a surprised look. I feel my skin heat up, the hairs on my body standing on their ends, but I don't feel regret.

"Yes" I stutter, before clearing my throat, and dropping my hands. "I have balls! Big, brave balls, and I am aware of how to use them!"

I have never felt more flustered in my life.

"Your son is the rudest, most ignorant dumb faced loser I know. Yet...he is my dumb faced loser."

Looking forward to one of the mirrors that lies in front of me, I give the Queen a smile.

"He has quite the mouth on him" I continue, looking at my hands. "He does the most embarrassing things when I'm only in boxers, loves to tease me, and enjoys watching me cry like a child."

Putting a hand up to the mirror, I lay it flat on the Queen's reflected hands. As if I could hold hers within mine, but it is to no prevail.

The red in her eyes has subsided, yet I can still feel anger radiating from her reflection.

I have to get my point across.

"But through all his crude jokes, I manage to leave the biggest piece of my heart open for your son."

The mirrors surrounding me remain silent, as does the room, despite the fact that my heart is beating thousands of beats per second. The beats that seem to be slowing as I pour my heart to the Queen.

I remove my hand from the mirror, only to feel a tight grip on my wrist. Looking up, I see the Queen with tears in her eyes, and her pale hand grasping my wrist for dear life.

"What are you saying, child?"

I tilt my head to the side, a warm smile filling my face.

"I love Marshall Lee."

The Queen's grasp on my arm drops, as she disappears from the mirror all together, the only thing left of her being a bruise on my wrist.

I'm wearing a weird hospital gown, the color being a vomit green and sickly pale white. My feet are bare, my hair being a very pink mess, and dark bags under my eyes.

I look like a nightmare.


Turning around, I search for the familiar voice.

"Marshall" I whisper, looking up to the black ceiling above me.

Where is that noise coming from? How do I escape?

"Open your eyes Gumball! Stay with me!"

Turning in circles, I listen to Marshall's shouting and pleading, wanting to do something.

He's in pain!

"Aren't you in pain?"

I stop turning, just in time to face a beautiful sight.

"Mom" I whisper, trying to walk up to her, but suddenly my feet won't work. "What's going on?"

She approaches me, a solemn smile on her face, which makes me panic.


She shakes her head, as the clacks of her heels get quieter, the strength seeming to leave her as well.

Is the whole world going to visit me in rapid quick hallucinations?! Why torture me? Do I deserve this?

"Are you here to kill me?"

She shakes her head, one of her hands grabbing mine, and shoving a crumbled piece of paper in my fist.

Looking into my palm, I recognize the photograph.

It's the picture I gave mom in the last letter I sent to her.

Me standing awkwardly in front of my new school.

I flip it over, wondering if what I wrote on the back still remains, but I'm surprised as I find something totally different.

A wide photo which has Marceline, LSP, Marshall and I posing in it. Marceline wanted to take a 'selfie', one of the few days I've known her, and had everyone pose. Marceline stands in the left corner, her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth, as she stares forward. LSP stands beside her, doing a weird model-like pose, with his fingers making a peace sign and his lips puckered. I stand in the back, with Marshall Lee beside me, poking at my sweater.

Yet, we are smiling at each other.

"I'm ready" I say, still staring at the ground, as I pull the photo to my chest. "I'm ready to d-"

As I look up, I spot the Vampire King, who gives me a hearty smile.

"Not yet, son."

His hand comes down to my forehead, his index finger inches from touching my skin. A bright light emits from the tip of his fingers, and I'm suddenly pushed back by its source.

But as I land on my back, I am surrounded by bright light, and my eyes blink open to a new surrounding.

A hospital room, where many eyes stare at me.

Oh glob, how awkward.

Woot Woot!
I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Im happy with the story, but not sure where to head next. (I'm super attached to Gumball 'д' )

Any suggestions? :)

Thank you for reading!

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