Chapter Seventeen

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"No you're not" I giggle, wrapping an arm around Marshall's shoulders. "The Vampire King is older than you, and you're not even a vampire!"

Rolling his eyes, Marshall flings my arm off of him, ignoring me.

"So Flame" he glares, as Flame's hair begins to shine brighter and the room heats up. "What's it going to be?"

Flame glances to me, and huffs out air. I give a flirty wave, watching him stomp his way out of my warm room Marceline and LSP following him, and letting it return to its normal cold state.

"Why are you doing this to me" Marshall groans, turning to me as soon as we're alone.

My attention catches onto his mouth, which has sharp canine teeth poking from under his lip.

My hands fly to his face, as my fingers pull his lips apart.

"Wow, you really are a vampire! These are some nice teeth- ouch!"

I accidentally prick my finger against one of Marshall's teeth, causing a spot of blood to form on my index finger.

Before I can pull away, Marshall shoves my finger back into his mouth, sucking hard.

"What are you doing, silly goose?"

As Marshall sucks harder, I feel nauseated, my happy mood draining along with my blood.

"Marshall" I try to push against him, but I'm weak in general, let alone with only one arm. "It hurts!"

Gasping, I wince as his lips travel from my finger to my face. Suddenly he plants a kiss onto my lips, one full of lust and hunger.

Backing against the wall, Marshall flips me to where I'm facing the wall, and shoves his hand into my boxers.

His hand begins rubbing my dick, pulling and lusting for more.

My moans are quiet, as my hand nervously covers my mouth.

What if Marceline or LSP hear?!

My body builds pressure, as I get closer to the edge.

"Marshall, I'm going to...I'm gonna c-cum!"

Roughly twisting my body around, once more, Marshall rubs his large bulge against mine. His face is blushing, maybe as hard as mine, as he pulls me into another kiss.

As I feel my body prepare for my ending excitement, Marshall releases the kiss, and plants his teeth straight into my neck.

Pain covers pleasure, and my body is no longer preparing for excitement, but is now preparing to run.

Blood drips down my neck, and my urge to scream awakens.


My eyes glaze over, as I fall backward, Marshall's grip no longer on me.

But, two cold arms catch me from behind, and I want to thank them, but I'm on the verge of passing out.

"Marshall Lee! What have you done!?"

Marceline...did she hear me scream?

Where's LSP?

I try to listen to their conversation, but my body slumps back, as I faint.

"What have you done!?"

My eyes fly open, as my body lunges forward, the bruises on my wrists no longer enough, as the burning sensation on my neck has me running to the bathroom.

Shoving the wooden door open, I push my pink hair back, glancing at the two small holes in my neck.

Vampire bites.

What happened? Did someone attack me?

Quickly putting a bandaid onto my skin, I Look around, staring at my room from the bathroom door, shocked at the mess in front of me.

My dresser has a deep dent in it, and the mirror beside it is cracked in two places. One blade from my fan is missing, which confuses me.

Who would steal my fan's blade?

Sighing, I exit both bathroom and my room, quickly wandering downstairs. Wait- I have school!

Glancing at my calendar and clock, I want to cry. It's not only Friday, but  2:00 in the afternoon!

School ends in less than an hour.

Running through my room I shove on one of Fionna's knitted sweaters, this one being pink, pull on blue jeans, and tie on pink converse.

Hopefully this will cover up my neck and wrists. I don't want anymore rumors or rude comments on my body.

Brushing my hair with my fingers, I pull on my pink backpack, and run out the front door. Locking the door, I turn to leave, but run into another warm body.


I nearly break down, as my eyes meet a sight I haven't seen in a long time.


My frown slowly lifts into a smile, as does hers, and we instantly connect into a hug.

Her long pink hair is pulled into a ponytail, and her purple eyes are filled with tears.

"My Gumball" she says, before suddenly smacking at my butt. "Me, oh my, you look hotter than your father on the ride here! Meaning he was burning with anger."

I chuckle, glancing to Dad, who has a hat covering his graying hair and blue eyes.

He approaches me, shaking my hand, as we are close enough.

"How are you Gumball?"

I smile, and nod.

"I'm alright, but I'm going to be late to school if I don't hurry."

I try to pull away from his hand, but his grip tightens, and keeps me in place.

"That's why we are here" he whispers, glancing to Mom, who's eyes turn to me.

"Gumball" she says in a regrettable tone. "We got a message yesterday night, from the Vampire Queen. You are to be removed from this area immediately."

Shocked, I shift my gaze at both parents.

"W-why? I've made friends here, people actually like me, I'm hap-"

Stopping myself, I remember Flames outburst, but shake the memory away.

"Honey" Mom steps closer to me, playing with my slightly tangled hair. "You were bitten by Marshall Lee, the soon-to-be Vampire King."

Gasping, I pull away from both of them, a hand flying to my neck, as memories of last night are remembered.

"He's not the King" I stutter out, "he hasn't gotten married yet!"

We stay silent for a few seconds, and I watch as Mom and Dad exchange glances.

"It's a rule that if he is to bite anyone, then they must be married immediately, if not will die."

Looking down, I cover my eyes.

"I don't want to die" I whisper, tears forming.

Backing up more, I look back up, having an idea strike me.

"I will confront the Queen! She'll have to listen to me!"

Running away I head toward, what I faintly remember, as the path to the Vampire Queen's castle.

She has believe me!

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