Chapter Nineteen

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She is the most cruel and evil person existing in this world. Ugh!

Staring at my reflection in the big mirror in front of me, I put a hand to my aching forehead.

Substituting my old clothing, is a big poufy pink dress. A golden rose is attached to my heart neckline. Everything surrounding my body is frilly and pink.

Normally I'd be having a great time, but never in my 17 years have I ever experienced such humiliation! My mother would love his, but my father would be having a cow!

A future king dressed in woman's attire?

I'm dead.

I would change back, but my clothes were stolen by the devil herself, as soon as I opened the door.

Taking a giant sigh, I walk to the door, my bare feet lightly slapping against the marble floor.

That's right. She even took my shoes.

Quickly opening the door, and slowly walking into the wide open hallway, I look out for people. Who knows what's going to happen when other's see me in this clothing.

Quietly, I tip toe down the corridor, but freeze when two voices echo against the walls. Hiding behind the wall, I listen closely to the familiar voices.

"Mom's going to kill us once she finds out we threw this party."

"No Mom's going to kill you, plus I'm not the one handing out invitations to everyone I see!"

Marshall and Marceline?

"You're talking about Gumball" Marshall Lee questions, sounding deeply offended. "Aren't you?"

Silence is recurring for this next ten seconds, before Marceline speaks up.

"Why'd you do it Marshall" I hear tears
fill her voice, as Marceline has difficulty getting her words out. Peeking out from behind the wall, I watch as they continue to argue. "I know he wasn't your friend but he was mine! I know you have this thing about 'humans', but he was mine. He was my best friend, who actually accepted me! You had to bite him, didn't you? Now he's dead!"

Marceline suddenly storms off, her loud thumps echoing with her shouting at Marshall, as her chases after her.

"Marceline, wait!"

Both run down the stairwell, and I lay my back against the wall, Marceline's words ringing through my ears.

"Now he's dead!"

They think I'm dead?

Who told them that? Was it Angel, no she doesn't know about this conflict. The Queen? No, she would've told them after she had done her job.

Stepping out from behind the wall, I aimlessly walk, my mind still placing people in accusation, wondering who would do such a thing.

As I begin walking down the stairs, my mind's puzzle pieces fall into place.

It was-!

Two hands grab onto my arms, turning me around, as I figure out this mystery. Looking up, I tightly grip the white shirt on the person, hoping they don't drop me. But as our eyes meet, I know what's about to happen.

"Hey Princess" Kyle chuckles, gripping me tighter. "Looks like your knight in shinning armor has arrived!"

I glare at him, careful not to step onto the flares of my giant dress.

"What do you want Kyle" I say, hoping he doesn't lose it.

"What do I want? Hah, what a question, to put it simply, you." he pulls me into him, his hot breath on my neck. "I want you underneath me, screaming, begging, and bleeding."

Quickly pulling away, I slap him, without tripping or falling. Victory falls in my favor, as Kyle recoils back up the stairs, recovering from my smack.

"You know" he laughs, "that was actually pretty good."

Suddenly, he's only inches from me, shoving me backward, before I can react.

Hitting each step on the way down, my body aches in pain as I reach the bottom of the stairs, Kyle still laughing.

"Now, now" he purrs, his voice vibrating my body even though he remains at the top of the stairs. "Let's get this party started!"

Gasping, I push myself up, pain flying to my ribs, as I limp and stagger over to the wall.

"Gumball, oh Gumball, wherefore thou Gumball?"

Grabbing onto an object, it takes all my willpower, to grasp it tightly enough to have an actual grip.

Waiting a few seconds, I hear Kyle take steps behind me, his humming becoming stronger.

"It's not fun if I win this quickly" he whines, chuckling.

Turning around, I shove the pointy cane into his stomach, feeling it push deep into his skin.

"It's 'wherefore art thou'" I whisper, as he staggers back.

Quickly limping away, I remember that vampires can heal and hear the struggling of Kyle as he struggles to pull the cane out of his stomach. At least his pain will disappear in a few seconds, mine has barely begun, and I think I've broken a rib and sprained my ankle.

The heavy clothing laying atop my body isn't helping, as I struggle to walk in general, let alone with an, at least, 10 pound dress on.

Kyle begins to sing my name, as well as adding 'where are you' every now and then. His games are getting even scarier, as I slow down, an he speeds up.

As I turn into another hallway, his hands pull me back, yanking at my hair.

I let out a small scream, before he covers my mouth with one hand. His other hand moves from my hair to my stomach, pulling me off my feet and dragging me down a different dark hallway.

The tighter he grasps me, the more pain fills my body, and the more I scream, but he doesn't know that. Instead, he continues to drag me.

I bite into his hand, blood filling my mouth, as he pulls away.

He really can't handle much pain, can he?

Crawling away, I feel him grab onto my ankles, and I realize just how badly they are messed up, as he yanks hard.

Screaming out, my vision darkens, static shooting through my body, as I'm underneath Kyle's large body.

"Here we go" he snickers, smacking my face hard.

My head flies to my right, as his hand makes contact, and I lose my breath. I try hard to let air in my lungs, but Kyle doesn't gives me to time to recover, as he rips one of my dress sleeves open, dragging his fangs against my pale flesh.

Feeling the flesh begin to tear, I cry out, but it's short lived as Kyle puts his bleeding hand into my mouth.

"Not today princess" he whispers, his eyes glowing a faint red. "It's my turn."

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